Here is a walkthrough for Dirk. There are other directions that work, but these will get you through. Dirk, like the game that inspired it, divides rooms into 13 pods of 3. It picks one at random then moves you to the next. The Dragon's Lair is #39--unless you fail to solve another room. Then you go back to the first you died on and go through them until everything's solved. Flaming Ropes "l/l/l/l" or "r/r/r/r"; Closing Wall "u"; Horsing Around Walls and Fire "l/r/l/r/r/r" or "r/l/r/l/l/l" Drink Me Room "r" Crypt Creeps "u/s/u/s/r/s" or "u/s/u/s/l/s" Underground River "l/r/l/r/u/u/u/u/r/l/r/l/r" Plummeting Disc "l" or "r" Avalanche "r/r"; U and pool balls "d/d/d/d/d/d/u" Cage and Geyser "u/u/l" Black Knight on Horse "l/l/r" Twirling Boulders "u/s/d/u" (with no left/right, the mirroring doesn't matter for solutions) Lizard King "l/r/r/r/r/r/s"; Smithie "s/s/r/s/s" or "s/s/l/s/s" Wind Tunnel "r" Tentacle Room "s/u/r/d/l/u"; Snake Room "s/s/s/u"; Goop Room "u/s/d/s/r"; Slide and Pit "l/s/l/l"; Giddy Goons "s/r/u/u"; Fire and Lightning Room "r/u/d/l"; Earthquake Room "r/u/l/u/r/u/s/l/u" "l/u/r/u/l/u/s/r/u" (mnemonic here is to remember the zigzag, except when you need to kill the spider) Bats and Walkway "u/u/s/r/r"; Electric Knight "l/r/u/r/l/r/l/s" or "r/l/u/l/r/l/r/s" (mnemonic here is left and right alternate, up replaces second left) Bat King "s/l/u/s/s"; Electric Throne "r/u/r/r" Vanishing Checkerboard "d/u/l" Mud Monsters "s/u/u/u/u/u/u/u/u" The big long elevator appears the first two times you hit the thirteenth pod. Then you go to the rooms you didn't solve, then the Dragon's Lair. Big Long Elevator "l" or "r"; Dragon's Lair "l/l/l/l/d/r/u/s/s/u/s"