"Hinterlands: Marooned!" by Cody Gaisser Part I - Background Chapter 0 - Includes [INCLUSIONS] Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include Menus by Emily Short. Include Basic Help Menu by Emily Short. [MISC] Use American dialect. Use the serial comma. [Use memory economy.] Chapter 1 - Metadata [BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA] The story title is "Hinterlands: Marooned!". The story author is "Cody Gaisser". The story headline is "a weird sci-fi text adventure". The story description is "Following a series of mishaps, a recruit from the Consortium Of Known Occupied Worlds is marooned on a tiny island on an unfamiliar planet; but the recruit is not alone - there is a Q'udzlth here!". The story creation year is 2022. [RELEASE] [Release along with the "Parchment" interpreter.] Release along with the "Quixe" interpreter. Release along with source text. Release along with cover art ("A pink creature with tentacles."). Release along with the introductory booklet. Release along with an introductory postcard. Release along with a website. Chapter 2 - Text Formatting [TEXT FORMATTING] To say i -- beginning say_i -- running on: (- style underline; -). To say /i -- ending say_i -- running on: (- style roman; -). To say b -- beginning say_b -- running on: (- style bold; -). To say /b -- ending say_b -- running on: (- style roman; -). Chapter 3 - Status Bar [STATUS BAR] To say the player's capitalised surroundings: let the masthead be "[the player's surroundings]" in upper case; say the masthead. Table of Fancy Status left central right "" "Location: [the player's capitalised surroundings] ([map region of the location])" "" Rule for constructing the status line: fill status bar with Table of Fancy Status; rule succeeds. Rule for printing the name of an unvisited room (called the target) while constructing the status line: let aim be the best route from the location to the target; say "somewhere [aim]". After printing the name of a visited room (called the target) while constructing the status line: let aim be the best route from the location to the target; if aim is not nothing: say " ([aim])". Rule for printing the name of a direction (called the aim) while constructing the status line: choose row with a heading of the aim in the Table of Abbreviation; say "[shortcut entry]". Table of Abbreviation heading shortcut north "N" northeast "NE" northwest "NW" east "E" southeast "SE" south "S" southwest "SW" west "W" up "U" down "D" inside "in" outside "out" Chapter 4 - Help & Hints [HELP] A thing can be examined or unexamined. A thing is usually unexamined. Carry out examining something: now the noun is examined. Taking inventory is acting confused. Looking is acting confused. Examining an examined thing is acting confused. After acting confused for the sixth turn: say "If you need help, type HELP for assistance." When play begins: choose row 1 in Table of Basic Help Options; now description entry is "[i]Marooned[/i] is a weird sci-fi text adventure in the [i]Hinterlands[/i] campaign setting.[paragraph break]Following a series of mishaps, a recruit from the Consortium Of Known Occupied Worlds is marooned on a tiny island on an unfamiliar planet; but the recruit is not alone - there is a Q'udzlth here![paragraph break]Implemented by Cody Gaisser.[line break]Tested by Jade Aincioa, Edo, and Jessica Knoch.[line break]Thanks to everyone at INTFICTION.ORG for the invaluable advice." Table of Basic Help Options (continued) title subtable description "Hints" Table of Hints -- ["Settings" Table of Setting Options -- ] Table of Hints title subtable description toggle "What's going on here?" Table of String Hints "" hint toggle rule Table of String Hints hint used "Have you tried interacting with your surroundings?" a number "Have you tried interacting with the Q'udzlth?" "Maybe it's an allegory?" "Maybe it's a dumb joke?" "Maybe it's both?" Chapter 5 - Quitting [QUITTING] Check quitting the game: say "Are you absolutely certain you want to quit?"; if the player consents, say "[line break]Quitter![line break]"; otherwise stop the action. Chapter 6 - Testing - Not for release [TESTING DESCRIPTIONS] When play begins (this is the run property checks at the start of play rule): repeat with item running through things: if description of the item is "": say "[item] has no description." Chapter 7 - Introduction [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "Your first mission as a recruit of the Consortium Of Known Occupied Worlds."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Your first trip outside the Ova, the orb of densely-populated galaxies at the center of the Known Universe."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Your first excursion into the sparsely-populated outskirts between the Ova and deep space, known colloquially as the Hinterlands."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Everything has gone so terribly wrong."; wait for any key; clear the screen; say "[line break]The raiders... The firefight... The escape pod..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]This tiny island on this wretched backwoods planet..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]And now, here you are..."; wait for any key; clear the screen; say "[b]M A R O O N E D ![/b]"; wait for any key; clear the screen. Before starting the virtual machine: now the left hand status line is ""; now the right hand status line is "". Part II - Marooned! Chapter 1 - Unknown Planet Section 1 - The Isle Unknown is a region. The Isle is in Unknown. The Isle is a room. The description of The Isle is "A tiny desert island in a vast teal ocean on a nondescript little planet you've never heard of." The island is scenery in The Isle. Understand "isle" or "sand" or "desert" or "beach" or "floor" as the island. The description of the island is "A minuscule patch of sand in the middle of an endless ocean." The ocean is scenery in The Isle. Understand "sea" or "water" or "waters" as the ocean. The description of the ocean is "Blue-green waters forever..." The planet is scenery in The Isle. The description of the planet is "An unknown planet in a nothing star system." The sky is scenery in The Isle. The description of the sky is "Clear blue sky. The suns are up." The suns are scenery in The Isle. The description of the suns is "A pair of suns are visible in the sky." Understand "sun" or "star" or "stars" as the suns. Section 2 - The Recruit [THE PLAYER] The Recruit is a person in The Isle. The player is The Recruit. Understand "you" or "I" as The Recruit. The description of The Recruit is "A thoroughly average citizen of the planet Puscaat: two arms, two legs, six fingers, six toes, green skin, no hair. Thoroughly average.[paragraph break]You wear the lavender uniform of the Consortium Of Known Occupied Worlds." [PARTS OF THE RECRUIT] The arms are part of the Recruit. The description of the arms is "Like a typical member of your species, you have two arms. They're not interesting." The legs are part of the Recruit. The description of the legs is "Like a typical member of your species, you have two legs. They're not interesting." The fingers are part of the Recruit. The description of the fingers is "Like a typical member of your species, you have six fingers (three on each hand). They're not interesting." The toes are part of the Recruit. The description of the toes is "Like a typical member of your species, you have six toes (three on each foot). They're not interesting." The skin is part of the Recruit. The description of the skin is "Two out of three members of your species have green skin much like yours; the remaining third, descendant of a religious sect who once colonized Puscaat's largest moon, have purple skin. It's sometimes a touchy subject back home, but it's hardly relevant here." Understand "green skin" as the skin. [UNIFORM] The player wears a uniform. Understand "space suit" or "spacesuit" or "armor" or "suit" as the uniform. The description of the uniform is "A lavender armored space suit with the letters 'C.O.K.O.W.' emblazoned on the left breast." Instead of taking off the uniform: say "You'd better not remove the armored space suit; it was designed to protect you." [HELMET] The player wears a helmet. The description of the helmet is "A lavender armored space helmet with a transparent face shield." Instead of taking off the helmet: say "You'd better not remove the space helmet; you have no idea if the atmosphere is breathable." Instead of opening the helmet: try taking off the helmet instead. The shield is part of the helmet. The description of the shield is "A transparent visor covers your face while allowing you to see out of the helmet." Understand "shield" or "face shield" or "visor" as the shield. Section 3 - The Q'udzlth [Q'UDZLTH] The Q'udzlth is an animal in the Isle. Understand "qudzlth" or "monster" or "beast" or "sea monster" or "sea beast" or "creature" or "kraken" or "squid" or "octopus" or "mass" as the Q'udzlth. The description of the Q'udzlth is "A hideous fuchsia mass of chitin and pulsating gelatin towers before you on the beach.[paragraph break]The sea beast's glassy black eyes gaze down, close-set in the center of a massive skull crowned with wide curved horns like scimitars. A bugle-like snout juts forth from the spot where a nose or mouth might belong, dripping some foul-looking translucent mucus from its fang-lined bell.[paragraph break]The creature's broad body is plated in a thick rubbery exoskeleton, from under which protrude four mighty tentacles (each the approximate length and girth of your entire self).[paragraph break]The monster looks angry, or hungry, or both." [PARTS OF THE Q'UDZLTH] The tentacles are part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the tentacles is "Four meaty appendages extend from beneath the Q'udzlth's rubbery exoskeleton, glistening with slimy moisture. Each tentacle is roughly as long as you are tall and as thick as you are wide." Understand "tentacle" as the tentacles. The exoskeleton is part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the exoskeleton is "The massive skull and squat body of the Q'udzlth are covered in thick chitinous armor which appears to be some sort of semi-hard, rubbery exoskeleton." Understand "chitin" as the exoskeleton. The eyes are part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the eyes is "The Q'udzlth's black eyes shine like obsidian from the center of its massive skull." Understand "eye" as the eyes. The skull is part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the skull is "A massive chitinous skull sits atop the Q'udzlth's armored body. In the center of the skull, close-set black eyes glisten with silent rage. Beneath them protrudes a bizarre funnel-like snout. The top of the creature's skull is crowned with a pair of wide curved horns." Understand "head" or "face" as the skull. The horns are part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the horns is "Wide, flat, curved, chitinous horns crown the Q'udzlth's massive skull." Understand "scimitars" or "horn" or "scimitar" as the horns. The snout is part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the snout is "Where one might expect to find a nose or mouth, instead the Q'udzlth has a strange protrusion shaped like a funnel or bugle. The circular bell of the snout is open, revealing rows upon rows of jagged yellow teeth and a long spiny tongue. Translucent slime drips from the orifice." Understand "bugle" or "funnel" or "bell" or "orifice" or "nose" or "mouth" as the snout. The teeth are part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the teeth is "Inside the Q'udzlth's funnel-like orifice are rows upon rows of jagged yellow fangs." Understand "tooth" or "fang" or "fangs" as the teeth. The tongue is part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the tongue is "From the Q'udzlth's open snout hangs a long, noodle-like tongue covered in hairy spines." Understand "noodle" or "spines" or "spine" as the tongue. The mucus is part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the mucus is "Thick, translucent saliva drips from the open orifice at the end of the Q'udzlth's snout. It's an unpleasant-looking substance that probably serves some digestive purpose." Understand "goo" or "slime" or "saliva" or "acid" as the mucus. The body is part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the body is "The body of the Q'udzlth is short and wide and covered in a sort of rubbery exoskeleton. Four massive tentacles extend from beneath the beast's chitinous armor." The gelatin is part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the gelatin is "Any parts of the Q'udzlth not covered by the exoskeleton resemble some sort of pink jelly." Understand "jelly" as the gelatin. The moisture is part of the Q'udzlth. The description of the moisture is "The Q'udzlth is generally wet-looking. The moisture itself is not that interesting." Instead of doing something when the current action involves the moisture: if examining the moisture: continue the action; otherwise: say "The moisture is a general dampness about the Q'udzlth; you can't do anything with it." Section 4 - Courses Of Action Section 4(a) - Violence & Aggression [ATTACKING] Understand the command "attack" as something new. Understand "attack [thing]" as attacking. [ATTACK MONSTER] Instead of attacking the Q'udzlth: try killing the Q'udzlth. [ATTACK TENTACLES] Instead of attacking the tentacles: try killing the Q'udzlth instead. [ATTACK EXOSKELETON] Instead of attacking the exoskeleton: try killing the Q'udzlth instead. [ATTACK EYES] Instead of attacking the eyes: try hitting the eyes instead. [ATTACK SKULL] Instead of attacking the skull: try hitting the skull instead. [ATTACK HORNS] Instead of attacking the horns: try hitting the horns instead. [ATTACK SNOUT] Instead of attacking the snout: try hitting the snout instead. [ATTACK TEETH] Instead of attacking the teeth: try hitting the teeth instead. [ATTACK TONGUE] Instead of attacking the tongue: try hitting the tongue instead. [ATTACK MUCUS] Instead of attacking the mucus: try hitting the mucus instead. [ATTACK BODY] Instead of attacking the body: try killing the Q'udzlth instead. [ATTACK GELATIN] Instead of attacking the gelatin: try killing the Q'udzlth instead. [ATTACK SELF] Instead of attacking the player: say "Be kind to yourself." [ATTACK UNIFORM] Instead of attacking the uniform: say "'TAKE THAT! AND THAT!' You must really hate the color lavender." [ATTACK HELMET] Instead of attacking the helmet: say "You box yourself upside the head a few time, but all you get is a headache." [ATTACK SHIELD] Instead of attacking the shield: try attacking the helmet instead. [ATTACK ISLAND] Instead of attacking the island: say "You accomplish little besides stirring up a lot of sand." [ATTACK OCEAN] Instead of attacking the ocean: say "You splash around a lot, but you do not appear to have accomplished anything." [ATTACK PLANET] Instead of attacking the planet: try attacking the island instead. [ATTACK SKY] Instead of attacking the sky: say "You'll have a hard time doing that from down here." [ATTACK SUNS] Instead of attacking the suns: try attacking the sky instead. [HITTING] Understand the command "hit" as something new. Hitting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "hit [thing]" or "punch [thing]" or "jab [thing]" as hitting. Instead of hitting a thing: if hitting the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if hitting the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [HIT MONSTER] Instead of hitting the Q'udzlth: say "You draw back your arm and swing at the hulking beast..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Your fist pounds into the Q'udzlth, but the force of your blow is absorbed by the creature's unusual rubbery exoskeleton.[paragraph break]The creature's gelatinous brow furrows, its obsidian eyes squinting furiously.[paragraph break]Before you can react, you are struck upside the head by a monstrous and meaty tentacle.[paragraph break]You never wake up again."; end the story. [HIT TENTACLES] Instead of hitting the tentacles: say "You draw back your arm and punch one of the creature's fleshy tentacles..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The tentacle deftly catches your hand and rips your arm right off of your body.[paragraph break]You are in so much shock that you barely notice the Q'udzlth beating you mercilessly with your own appendage.[paragraph break]Before long, you are totally unconscious.[paragraph break]Which is probably for the best.[paragraph break]Soon thereafter, you are Q'udzlth food."; end the story. [HIT EXOSKELETON] Instead of hitting the exoskeleton: try hitting the Q'udzlth instead. [HIT EYES] Instead of hitting the eyes: say "You draw back your arm and punch the beast right in the eye..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth winces, then scowls.[paragraph break]Then it smashes your helmet's visor with a brawny tentacle.[paragraph break]You fall to your knees as a sucker attaches to your left eyeball and yanks it clean out of the socket.[paragraph break]The monster gobbles down your eye right in front of you.[paragraph break]As you kneel before the creature, clutching the bloody void where your eye used to be, the Q'udzlth sprays you with a sort of viscous acid from its snout.[paragraph break]Your suit begins to dissolve away, and your skin begins to tingle.[paragraph break]The tingle becomes a burn.[paragraph break]Before you know it, you have been digested alive by the hideous sea monster.[paragraph break]I guess the Q'udzlth won't go hungry today."; end the story. [HIT SKULL] Instead of hitting the skull: say "You drawn back your arm and punch the creature in its massive skull..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The beast's exoskeleton absorbs the impact.[paragraph break]Then a tentacle swats your head with tremendous force, knocking it clean off your body.[paragraph break]And that is all there is for you."; end the story. [HIT HORNS] Instead of hitting the horns: say "You draw back your arm and punch one of the beast's horns..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]As you ram your fist into the razor-sharp horn, your space suit and flesh are torn as if they were made of paper.[paragraph break]You draw back your bleeding arm in agony.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth lowers its head and impales you on its chitinous scimitars.[paragraph break]You make a nice looking hat."; end the story. [HIT SNOUT] Instead of hitting the snout: say "You draw back your arm and punch the creature right in the snout..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]As soon as you do, your arm ins entangled by a spiny noodle-like tongue.[paragraph break]Acidic goo spews forth from the beast's snout, drenching you.[paragraph break]As your flesh is dissolved by the digestive liquid, the tongue begins dragging you by the arm into the Q'udzlth's gaping orifice.[paragraph break]You are gnashed to pulp by countless rows of horrible yellow teeth.[paragraph break]You make a nice supper for the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [HIT TEETH] Instead of hitting the teeth: try hitting the snout instead. [HIT TONGUE] Instead of hitting the tongue: try hitting the snout instead. [HIT MUCUS] Instead of hitting the mucus: try hitting the snout instead. [HIT BODY] Instead of hitting the body: try hitting the Q'udzlth instead. [HIT GELATIN] Instead of hitting the gelatin: say "You draw back your arm and punch the beast in the softest bit of jelly you can find..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The mesoglea wobbles a bit, but seems otherwise unphased.[paragraph break]Soon a tentacle finds the softest bit of you, and you burst like a piƱata.[paragraph break]You survive just long enough to watch the Q'udzlth feast on your entrails."; end the story. [HIT SELF] Instead of hitting the player: say "Stop hitting yourself!" [HIT ISLAND] Instead of hitting the island: try attacking the island instead. [HIT OCEAN] Instead of hitting the ocean: try attacking the ocean instead. [HIT PLANET] Instead of hitting the planet: try attacking the island instead. [HIT SKY] Instead of hitting the sky: try attacking the sky instead. [HIT SUNS] Instead of hitting the suns: try attacking the sky instead. [HIT UNIFORM] Instead of hitting the uniform: try attacking the uniform instead. [HIT HELMET] Instead of hitting the helmet: try attacking the helmet instead. [HIT SHIELD] Instead of hitting the shield: try attacking the helmet instead. [KICKING] Kicking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "kick [thing]" as kicking. Instead of kicking a thing: if kicking the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if kicking the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [KICK MONSTER] Instead of kicking the Q'udzlth: say "You draw back your leg and let loose a mighty kick..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Your foot thuds against the hulking beast and is immediately ensnared by a slimy tentacle.[paragraph break]Before you can process what is happening, you are dangling upside-down in front of the Q'udzlth's grimacing visage.[paragraph break]A spray of viscous fluid penetrates your helmet and covers your face. You've never felt such burning![paragraph break]There is no time to linger on the pain. The last thing you see is a spiny noodle-like tongue emerging from the monster's snout, just as everything fades to black."; end the story. [KICK TENTACLES] Instead of kicking the tentacles: try kicking the Q'udzlth instead. [KICK EXOSKELETON] Instead of kicking the exoskeleton: try kicking the Q'udzlth instead. [KICK EYES] Instead of kicking the eyes: say "You jump in the air and kick at the beast's glassy black eyes..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Alas, the eyes are too high up; you fall to the ground.[paragraph break]While you are vulnerable, a tentacle coils around your leg and rips your leg right off.[paragraph break]The creature wields your leg like a club and swings it down upon your head, smashing the visor of your helmet and slamming into your face.[paragraph break]You have been kicked in the eye with your own foot![paragraph break]After that, well, the less said..."; end the story. [KICK SKULL] Instead of kicking the skull: say "You kick as high as you can, aiming for the creature's massive skull..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Your foot thuds against a wall of chitin.[paragraph break]The beast glares at you.[paragraph break]Then it pounds your head repeatedly with its massive tentacles until you are unconscious.[paragraph break]Then it eats you alive."; end the story. [KICK HORNS] Instead of kicking the horns: say "You jump in the air and kick at the beast's horns..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You somersault backwards and land on your head.[paragraph break]The creature bows its head and shears your legs clean off with its razor-sharp horns.[paragraph break]Screaming in anguish, you slowly bleed out on the beach.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth feasts on your legs.[paragraph break]It is the last thing you see."; end the story. [KICK SNOUT] Instead of kicking the snout: say "You jump in the air and aim a kick at the monster's orifice..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The creature's spiny noodle-like tongue seizes your leg and drags you into the toothy maw![paragraph break]As the creature's translucent mucus dissolves your flesh, you really start to question your decisions up to this point.[paragraph break]There's not much time for regret though.[paragraph break]Soon the Q'udzlth has eaten you."; end the story. [KICK TEETH] Instead of kicking the teeth: try kicking the snout instead. [KICK TONGUE] Instead of kicking the tongue: try kicking the snout instead. [KICK MUCUS] Instead of kicking the mucus: try kicking the snout instead. [KICK BODY] Instead of kicking the body: try kicking the Q'udzlth instead. [KICK GELATIN] Instead of kicking the gelatin: try kicking the Q'udzlth instead. [KICK SELF] Instead of kicking the player: say "It's harder than it looks." [KICK ISLAND] Instead of kicking the island: try attacking the island instead. [KICK OCEAN] Instead of kicking the ocean: try attacking the ocean instead. [KICK PLANET] Instead of kicking the planet: try attacking the island instead. [KICK SKY] Instead of kicking the sky: try attacking the sky instead. [KICKING SUNS] Instead of kicking the suns: try attacking the sky instead. [KICK UNIFORM] Instead of kicking the uniform: try attacking the uniform instead. [KICK HELMET] Instead of kicking the helmet: say "You struggle to kick yourself in the head, but you're just not that flexible." [KICK SHIELD] Instead of kicking the shield: try attacking the helmet instead. [KILLING] Understand the command "kill" as something new. Killing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "kill [thing]" as killing. Instead of killing a thing: if killing the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if killing the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [KILL MONSTER] Instead of killing the Q'udzlth: say "You charge at the beast..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You punch, kick, jab, poke, and squeeze at the fleshy mass with all your might.[paragraph break]The mass just keeps wriggling and squirming and bouncing and flailing, and nothing you do seems to have any effect.[paragraph break]Eventually you collapse on the ground, thoroughly exhausted.[paragraph break]Its is then that you feel the sticky warmth of the Q'udzlth's tentacular embrace.[paragraph break]It is then that you know you have lost."; end the story. [KILL TENTACLES] Instead of killing the tentacles: try killing the Q'udzlth instead. [KILL EXOSKELETON] Instead of killing the exoskeleton: try killing the Q'udzlth instead. [KILL EYES] Instead of killing the eyes: try hitting the eyes instead. [KILL SKULL] Instead of killing the skull: try hitting the skull instead. [KILL HORNS] Instead of killing the horns: try hitting the horns instead. [KILL SNOUT] Instead of killing the snout: try hitting the snout instead. [KILL TEETH] Instead of killing the teeth: try hitting the teeth instead. [KILL TONGUE] Instead of killing the tongue: try hitting the tongue instead. [KILL MUCUS] Instead of killing the mucus: try hitting the mucus instead. [KILL BODY] Instead of killing the body: try killing the Q'udzlth instead. [KILL GELATIN] Instead of killing the gelatin: try killing the Q'udzlth instead. [KILL SELF] Instead of killing the player: say "One must imagine Sisyphus happy." [KILL ISLAND] Instead of killing the island: try attacking the island instead. [KILL OCEAN] Instead of killing the ocean: try attacking the ocean instead. [KILL PLANET] Instead of killing the planet: say "You're doing that slowly just by being here." [KILL SKY] Instead of killing the sky: say "There may be a metaphor here, but nothing THAT abstract." [KILL SUNS] Instead of killing the suns: try attacking the sky instead. Understand "kill sun" as a mistake ("Cool it, Abraham!"). [KILL UNIFORM] Instead of killing the uniform: try attacking the uniform instead. [KILL HELMET] Instead of killing the helmet: try attacking the helmet instead. [KILL SHIELD] Instead of killing the shield: try attacking the helmet instead. [SPITTING / SPITTING ON] Spitting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "spit" as spitting. Instead of spitting: say "You spit all over the inside of your helmet. Gross!" Spitting on is an action applying to one thing. Understand "spit on [thing]" or "spit at [thing]" as spitting on. Instead of spitting on something: try spitting instead. Section 4(b) - Communication & Vocalizations [TALKING TO] Understand the command "speak" as something new. Talking to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to [thing]" or "speak to [thing]" or "speak [thing]" as talking to. Instead of talking to a thing: if talking to the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if talking to the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You get no response."; stop the action. [TALK TO MONSTER] Instead of talking to the Q'udzlth: say "You open your mouth to speak..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth lets loose an aggressive squawk.[paragraph break]You are paralyzed with fear.[paragraph break]Then you are flattened by a massive tentacle."; end the story. [TALK TO SELF] Instead of talking to the player: say "The Q'udzlth gives you an awkward look." Muttering is an action applying to nothing. Understand "mutter" as muttering. Instead of muttering: try talking to the player instead. [TELLING ABOUT] Instead of telling the Q'udzlth about a topic: try talking to the Q'udzlth instead. Instead of telling the player about a topic: try talking to the player instead. [ASKING ABOUT] Instead of asking the Q'udzlth about a topic: try talking to the Q'udzlth instead. Instead of asking the player about a topic: try talking to the player instead. [CONSULTING] Consulting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "consult [thing]" or "consult with [thing]" as consulting. Instead of consulting a thing: if consulting the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if consulting the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You get no response."; stop the action. [CONSULT MONSTER] Instead of consulting the Q'udzlth: try talking to the Q'udzlth instead. [CONSULT SELF] Instead of consulting the player: try thinking instead. [SINGING] Singing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "sing" as singing. Instead of singing: say "Fa fa fa, fa fa, fa fa fa..." [SINGING TO] Singing to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "sing to [thing]" as singing to. Instead of singing to a thing: if singing to the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if singing to the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's silly!"; stop the action. [SING TO MONSTER] Instead of singing to the Q'udzlth: say "You begin to croon a gentle melody to sooth the savage beast..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth shrieks loudly.[paragraph break]You've never heard such an dreadful sound.[paragraph break]Instantaneously, you are clapped between two huge fleshy tentacles and hoisted toward the monster's snout.[paragraph break]Your nose is tickled by a long spiny tongue, and suddenly you are covered in burning translucent goo.[paragraph break]You fear you are being digested!"; end the story. [SING TO SELF] Instead of singing to the player: say "You croon a gentle melody to comfort yourself." [SING TO ENVIRONMENT] Understand "sing to island" or "sing to ocean" or "sing to planet" or "sing to sky" or "sing to suns" as a mistake ("You improvise a little ditty to the environment, but in the end you just feel silly.") [CALLING] Calling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "call [thing]" or "call to [thing]" as calling. Instead of calling a thing: if calling the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if calling the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You get no response."; stop the action. [CALL MONSTER] Instead of calling the Q'udzlth: say "You beckon to the monster..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth is happy to come to you![paragraph break]You soon wish it hadn't."; end the story. [CALL SELF] Instead of calling the player: say "Nobody answers." [LISTEN] Instead of listening: say "You hear a faint gurgling coming from the general direction of the Q'udzlth." [LISTEN TO MONSTER] Instead of listening to the Q'udzlth: say "You stop and listen to the creature..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It gurgles.[paragraph break]It wheezes.[paragraph break]It squawks.[paragraph break]It shrieks.[paragraph break]It snaps your spine with its tentacles and gobbles you down."; end the story. [LISTEN TO SELF] Instead of listening to the player: say "So, what are you saying?" [LISTEN TO OCEAN] Instead of listening to the ocean: say "The ocean sounds a lot like the white noise generator you used to keep by your bed." [WAVING TO] Waving to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "wave to [thing]" or "wave at [thing]" or "wave [thing]" as waving to. Instead of waving to a thing: if waving to the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if waving to the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You accomplish nothing except for feeling a bit foolish."; stop the action. [WAVE TO MONSTER] Instead of waving to the Q'udzlth: say "You wave your hand at the hulking monstrosity..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth waves back with a slimy tentacle.[paragraph break]Then the tentacle snatches your hand and breaks it clean off of your arm.[paragraph break]The monster then spits translucent digestive goo onto your hand and laps up the decaying flesh with a spiny noodle-like tongue.[paragraph break]You're so terrified you almost forget you're in agonizing pain.[paragraph break]But not quite.[paragraph break]As you are bleeding out, the monster approaches, translucent slime dripping from its funnel-shaped snout.[paragraph break]It's the last thing you ever see."; end the story. [WAVE TO SELF] Instead of waving to the player: say "Hiiiiiii!" [CRYING] Crying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "cry" as crying. Instead of crying: say "Yes, let it all out!" [LAUGHING] Laughing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "laugh" as laughing. Instead of laughing: say "Hehe." [LAUGHING AT] Laughing at is an action applying to one thing. Understand "laugh at [thing]" as laughing at. Instead of laughing at a thing: if laughing at the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if laughing at the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You fear you may be cracking up."; stop the action. [LAUGH AT MONSTER] Instead of laughing at the Q'udzlth: say "You laugh in the creature's face..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth is not laughing.[paragraph break]It picks you up by the feet and smashes you against the ground repeatedly, until you are deceased."; end the story. [LAUGH AT TENTACLES] Instead of laughing at the tentacles: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT EXOSKELETON] Instead of laughing at the exoskeleton: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT EYES] Instead of laughing at the eyes: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT SKULL] Instead of laughing at the skull: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT HORNS] Instead of laughing at the horns: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT SNOUT] Instead of laughing at the snout: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT TEETH] Instead of laughing at the teeth: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT TONGUE] Instead of laughing at the tongue: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT MUCUS] Instead of laughing at the mucus: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT BODY] Instead of laughing at the body: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT GELATIN] Instead of laughing at the gelatin: try laughing at the Q'udzlth instead. [LAUGH AT SELF] Instead of laughing at the player: say "You must learn to do that." [SCREAMING] Screaming is an action applying to nothing. Understand "scream" or "yell" or "panic" as screaming. Instead of screaming: say "AAUGH!" [SHOUTING] Shouting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "shout" as shouting. Instead of shouting: say "Let it all out!" [SHOUTING AT] Shouting at is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shout at [thing]" or "scream at [thing]" or "yell at [thing]" as shouting at. Instead of shouting at a thing: if shouting at the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if shouting at the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "It helps for catharsis, but not much else!"; stop the action. [SHOUT AT MONSTER] Instead of shouting at the Q'udzlth: say "You scream loudly at the enormous sea creature..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth seems taken aback.[paragraph break]It stares at you blankly for a few moments.[paragraph break]Then it lets loose a horrible screech, the likes of which you've never heard before.[paragraph break]And will never hear again.[paragraph break]Immediately thereafter the monster rips you into pieces, which it then consumes one at a time until you are no more."; end the story. [SHOUT AT SELF] Instead of shouting at the player: say "You take a moment to vent your frustrations (loudly)." [SIGHING] Sighing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "sigh" as sighing. Instead of sighing: say "You let out a deep breath of exasperation." [SMILING] Smiling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "smile" as smiling. Instead of smiling: say "You feel happier already." [SMILING AT] Smiling at is an action applying to one thing. Understand "smile at [thing]" or "smile to [thing]" as smiling at. Instead of smiling at a thing: if smiling at the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if smiling at the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You look like a big dope!"; stop the action. [SMILE AT MONSTER] Instead of smiling at the Q'udzlth: say "You give the creature a wide toothy grin..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The monster shows you its teeth as well.[paragraph break]Up close and personal.[paragraph break]You have been eaten by the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [SMILE AT SELF] Instead of smiling at the player: say "You indulge yourself in a moment of smug satisfaction." [WHISTLING] Whistling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "whistle" as whistling. Instead of whistling: say "You whistle a jaunty tune as you pass the time." [WHISTLING AT] Whistling at is an action applying to one thing. Understand "whistle at [thing]" or "whistle to [thing]" as whistling at. Instead of whistling at a thing: if whistling at the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if whistling at the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [WHISTLE AT MONSTER] Instead of whistling at the Q'udzlth: say "You purse your lips and whistle at the creature..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth emits a sound like a kettle boiling, but angrier.[paragraph break]You fear your whistle has been interpreted as a threat.[paragraph break]One of the monster's mighty tentacles seizes your head and snaps it clean off your body.[paragraph break]Fortunately, you don't notice anything that happens afterward.[paragraph break]Because you are dead."; end the story. [WHISTLE AT SELF] Instead of whistling at the player: say "Looking good!" [CURSING] Cursing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "goddamn" or "god damn" as cursing. Instead of cursing: say "A bolt of lightning strikes you dead."; end the story. [WHISPERING TO] Whispering to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "whisper to [thing]" as whispering to. Instead of whispering to a thing: if whispering to the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if whispering to the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You get no response."; stop the action. [WHISPER TO MONSTER] Instead of whispering to the Q'udzlth: say "You speak softly to the giant fleshy monster..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth gurgles back at you.[paragraph break]Then its funnel-like snout sprays acidic goo right in your face.[paragraph break]Your visor begins to melt.[paragraph break]A wet, meaty tentacle reaches inside your helmet and wraps around your throat.[paragraph break]The tip of the tentacle enters your mouth.[paragraph break]You are being asphyxiated in the most unpleasant way you are capable of imagining.[paragraph break]You try to tug the tentacle away from your face, but the creature is too strong![paragraph break]You are dead."; end the story. [SAYING HELLO] Instead of answering the Q'udzlth that "hello": say "You warmly greet the pulsating mass of pink flesh..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth roars.[paragraph break]It then gores you with its terrifying horns.[paragraph break]Then it dissolves you with its translucent mucus and slurps you up with its spiny tongue.[paragraph break]Goodbye!"; end the story. Section 4(c) - Movement [STANDING] Understand the command "stand" as something new. Standing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "stand" as standing. Instead of standing: say "You're already standing."; stop the action. [SITTING] Sitting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "sit" or "sit down" or "sit on ground" or "sit on sand" as sitting. Instead of sitting: say "Nah, you've been cramped in an escape pod all day. You'd rather stand." [RUNNING] Understand the command "run" as something new. Running is an action applying to nothing. Understand "run" or "retreat" as running. Instead of running: try running from the Q'udzlth instead. [RUN FROM MONSTER] Running from is an action applying to one thing. Understand "run from [thing]" as running from. Instead of running from the Q'udzlth: say "You turn to run..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You instantly feel a sharp pain in your torso, and wetness everywhere.[paragraph break]It seems you are impaled on the sharp end of the Q'udzlth's mighty tentacle.[paragraph break]Your feet lift off the ground.[paragraph break]You hear a breathy gurgling sound behind you.[paragraph break]Then nothing."; end the story. [RUNNING, PT. 2 - GOING NOWHERE] Instead of going nowhere from the Isle: try running from the Q'udzlth instead. Instead of running from a thing: try running from the Q'udzlth instead. [CLIMBING] Instead of climbing a thing: if climbing the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if climbing the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [CLIMB MONSTER] Instead of climbing the Q'udzlth: say "You begin to scale the beast's rubbery body..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth lifts you up with its tentacles.[paragraph break]Soon you are nearing the creature's bugle-like snout.[paragraph break]A spiny, noodle-like tongue emerges.[paragraph break]It wraps gently around your neck.[paragraph break]Shortly you are being digested."; end the story. [CLIMB TENTACLES] Instead of climbing the tentacles: try climbing the Q'udzlth instead. [CLIMB EXOSKELETON] Instead of climbing the exoskeleton: try climbing the Q'udzlth instead. [CLIMB SKULL] Instead of climbing the skull: try climbing the Q'udzlth instead. [CLIMB HORNS] Instead of climbing the horns: try climbing the Q'udzlth instead. [CLIMB SNOUT] Instead of climbing the snout: try climbing the Q'udzlth instead. [CLIMB BODY] Instead of climbing the body: try climbing the Q'udzlth instead. [CLIMB GELATIN] Instead of climbing the gelatin: try climbing the Q'udzlth instead. [CLIMB SELF] Instead of climbing the player: say "Uhm, right..." [ENTERING] Instead of entering a thing: if entering the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if entering the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [ENTER MONSTER] Instead of entering the Q'udzlth: say "You decide to surrender..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You move towards the beast's open snout.[paragraph break]Soon you are covered in acidic digestive slime that begins to melt your flesh away.[paragraph break]The monster's long spiny tongue coils around your body, guiding your softening meat towards a gaping hole full of jagged yellow teeth.[paragraph break]I guess it was easier this way."; end the story. [ENTER SNOUT] Instead of entering the snout: try entering the Q'udzlth instead. [ENTER SELF] Instead of entering the player: say "You momentarily lose yourself in introspection, but you snap out of it." [JUMP] Instead of jumping: say "Might as well!" [JUMPING ON] Jumping on is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump on [thing]" or "jump onto [thing]" as jumping on. Instead of jumping on a thing: if jumping on the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if jumping on the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [JUMP ON MONSTER] Instead of jumping on the Q'udzlth: say "You spring at the monster..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You immediately bounce off of its rubbery surface and land on your posterior.[paragraph break]Now the Q'udzlth is really mad.[paragraph break]That's the end of you!"; end the story. [JUMP ON TENTACLES] Instead of jumping on the tentacles: try jumping on the Q'udzlth instead. [JUMP ON EXOSKELETON] Instead of jumping on the exoskeleton: try jumping on the Q'udzlth instead. [JUMP ON HORNS] Instead of jumping on the horns: say "You fling yourself at the chitinous horns..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You have skewered yourself.[paragraph break]Great job!"; end the story. [JUMP ON BODY] Instead of jumping on the body: try jumping on the Q'udzlth instead. [JUMP ON GELATIN] Instead of jumping on the gelatin: try jumping on the Q'udzlth instead. [JUMP ON SELF] Instead of jumping on the player: say "You attempt some sort of acrobatic feat but forget what you were doing and fall to the ground." [JUMP ON ISLAND] Instead of jumping on the island: say "Jump around!" [JUMPING IN] Jumping in is an action applying to one thing. Understand "jump in [thing]" as jumping in. Instead of jumping in a thing: if jumping in the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if jumping in the ocean: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [JUMP IN MONSTER] Instead of jumping in the Q'udzlth: say "With a running go, you leap towards the beast's open snout..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Tentacles assist you ascent and guide you headfirst into the Q'udzlth's slimy orifice.[paragraph break]As a noodley tongue draws you into the monster's fleshy funnel, your space suit is dissolved by its acidic digestive fluid.[paragraph break]Your skin is burning![paragraph break]There sure are a lot of teeth in here![paragraph break]You don't have long to question your decision before you are digested and eaten by the hulking fuchsia monstrosity.[paragraph break]You won't be doing any more jumping anytime soon."; end the story. [JUMP IN OCEAN] Instead of jumping in the ocean: say "You take a moment to frolic in the waves. WHEE!" Section 4(d) - Consumption [EATING] Understand "bite [thing]" or "taste [thing]" as eating. Instead of eating a thing: if eating the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if eating the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [EAT MONSTER] Instead of eating the Q'udzlth: say "You open your mouth and lunge at the creature..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You hear a wimpy *TINK* as the face shield of your helmet collides with the Q'udzlth.[paragraph break]You should have known better.[paragraph break]Soon it is the Q'udzlth who is eating you!"; end the story. [EAT TENTACLES] Instead of eating the tentacles: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT EXOSKELETON] Instead of eating the exoskeleton: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT EYES] Instead of eating the eyes: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT SKULL] Instead of eating the skull: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT HORNS] Instead of eating the horns: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT SNOUT] Instead of eating the snout: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT TEETH] Instead of eating the teeth: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT TONGUE] Instead of eating the tongue: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT MUCUS] Instead of eating the mucus: try drinking the mucus instead. [EAT BODY] Instead of eating the body: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT GELATIN] Instead of eating the gelatin: try eating the Q'udzlth instead. [EAT SELF] Instead of eating the player: say "I don't know how you expect to make that work." [DRINKING] Understand "drink [thing]" as drinking. Instead of drinking something: if drinking the ocean: say "The face shield of your helmet won't permit that."; otherwise: say "That isn't liquid." [DRINK MUCUS] Instead of drinking the mucus: say "You attempt to catch some of the vile translucent liquid dripping from the monster's orifice..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]By the time you can bring the goo to your face, it is already melting away the gloves of your uniform.[paragraph break]Soon it is corroding through the visor of your helmet.[paragraph break]Your hands are burning.[paragraph break]Your face is burning.[paragraph break]You are being digested alive![paragraph break]As your flesh melts away, the Q'udzlth uses its long spiny tongue to slurp up your drippings and mashes them to paste with its countless jagged fangs.[paragraph break]You have been eaten by the Q'udzlth!"; end the story. Section 4(e) - Romance [KISSING] Understand the command "kiss" as something new. Understand "kiss [thing]" as kissing. Instead of kissing a thing: if kissing the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if kissing the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [KISS MONSTER] Instead of kissing the Q'udzlth: say "You pucker your lips and close your eyes..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]And the Q'udzlth swallows you whole.[paragraph break]What were you expecting?!"; end the story. [KISS TENTACLES] Instead of kissing the tentacles: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS EXOSKELETON] Instead of kissing the exoskeleton: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS EYES] Instead of kissing the eyes: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS SKULL] Instead of kissing the skull: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS HORNS] Instead of kissing the horns: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS SNOUT] Instead of kissing the snout: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS TEETH] Instead of kissing the teeth: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS TONGUE] Instead of kissing the tongue: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS MUCUS] Instead of kissing the mucus: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS BODY] Instead of kissing the body: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS GELATIN] Instead of kissing the gelatin: try kissing the Q'udzlth instead. [KISS SELF] Instead of kissing the player: say "Mwa!" [KISS ISLAND] Instead of kissing the island: say "Your helmet goes *TINK* as its visor collides with the ground." [KISS OCEAN] Instead of kissing the ocean: say "You dip your head in the water, but nothing is accomplished." [KISS SKY] Instead of kissing the sky: say "Excuse me!" [KISS UNIFORM] Instead of kissing the uniform: say "You manage to bang your helmet's visor against your spacesuit, but not much else." [KISS HELMET] Instead of kissing the helmet: try kissing the shield instead. [KISS SHIELD] Instead of kissing the shield: say "Your lips won't quite reach the interior of your helmet's face shield." [LOVING] Loving is an action applying to one thing. Understand "love [thing]" as loving. Instead of loving a thing: if loving the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if loving the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "Stop being weird!"; stop the action. [LOVE MONSTER] Instead of loving the Q'udzlth: say "You open your heart to the monster..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The monster opens its maw to you.[paragraph break]Great thinking, Guillermo.[paragraph break]You've been eaten by a Q'udzlth."; end the story. [LOVE TENTACLES] Instead of loving the tentacles: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE EXOSKELETON] Instead of loving the exoskeleton: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE EYES] Instead of loving the eyes: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE SKULL] Instead of loving the skull: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE HORNS] Instead of loving the horns: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE SNOUT] Instead of loving the snout: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE TEETH] Instead of loving the teeth: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE TONGUE] Instead of loving the tongue: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE BODY] Instead of loving the body: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE GELATIN] Instead of loving the gelatin: try loving the Q'udzlth instead. [LOVE SELF] Instead of loving the player: say "Now you're surely onto something!" [LOVE ISLAND] Instead of loving the island: try loving the planet instead. [LOVE OCEAN] Instead of loving the ocean: try loving the planet instead. [LOVE PLANET] Instead of loving the planet: say "You are REALLY fond of nature!" [LOVE SKY] Instead of loving the sky: try loving the planet instead. [LOVE SUNS] Instead of loving the suns: try loving the planet instead. [LOVE UNIFORM] Instead of loving the uniform: say "You're really starting to come around to this 'lavender' thing." [LOVE HELMET] Instead of loving the helmet: try loving the uniform instead. [LOVE SHIELD] Instead of loving the shield: say "You're being weird again." [HUGGING] Understand the command "hug" as something new. Hugging is an action applying to one thing. Understand "hug [thing]" as hugging. Instead of hugging a thing: if hugging the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if hugging the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's just not plausible!"; stop the action. [HUG MONSTER] Instead of hugging the Q'udzlth: say "You wrap your arms around the creature and give it a big hug..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Soon you are enveloped in the Q'udzlth's cold tentacular embrace.[paragraph break]It's getting harder to breathe.[paragraph break]You can't seem to get loose.[paragraph break]You have been hugged to death."; end the story. [HUG TENTACLES] Instead of hugging the tentacles: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HUG EXOSKELETON] Instead of hugging the exoskeleton: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HUG SKULL] Instead of hugging the skull: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HUG HORNS] Instead of hugging the horns: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HUG SNOUT] Instead of hugging the snout: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HUG BODY] Instead of hugging the body: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HUG GELATIN] Instead of hugging the gelatin: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HUG SELF] Instead of hugging the player: say "Now your heart is full of warm fuzzies." [HUG UNIFORM] Instead of hugging the uniform: say "You give yourself a big hug." [HUG HELMET] Instead of hugging the helmet: say "You awkwardly attempt to wrap your arms around your head. Awkwardness is all you achieve." [HUG SHIELD] Instead of hugging the shield: try hugging the helmet instead. [MOLESTING] Molesting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "fuck [something]" or "screw [something]" or "molest [something]" as molesting. Instead of molesting a thing: if molesting the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if molesting the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "Please don't!"; stop the action. [MOLEST MONSTER] Instead of molesting the Q'udzlth: say "You make an advance towards the creature..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth is NOT having it.[paragraph break]It tears you apart limb from limb with its mighty tentacles.[paragraph break]What were you thinking?[paragraph break]This isn't The Shape Of Water."; end the story. [MOLEST TENTACLES] Instead of molesting the tentacles: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST EXOSKELETON] Instead of molesting the exoskeleton: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST EYES] Instead of molesting the eyes: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST SKULL] Instead of molesting the skull: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST HORNS] Instead of molesting the horns: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST SNOUT] Instead of molesting the snout: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST TEETH] Instead of molesting the teeth: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST TONGUE] Instead of molesting the tongue: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST MUCUS] Instead of molesting the mucus: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST BODY] Instead of molesting the body: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST GELATIN] Instead of molesting the gelatin: try molesting the Q'udzlth instead. [MOLEST SELF] Instead of molesting the player: say "Do that on your own time." [DANCING] Dancing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "dance" as dancing. Instead of dancing: say "Boogie down!" [DANCING WITH] Dancing with is an action applying to one thing. Understand "dance with [thing]" as dancing with. Instead of dancing with a thing: if dancing with the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if dancing with the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [DANCE WITH MONSTER] Instead of dancing with the Q'udzlth: say "You grab the beast by a tentacle and begin to dance..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The creature sways rhythmically.[paragraph break]It twirls you around.[paragraph break]Then it rips you in half and feeds on the pieces."; end the story. [DANCE WITH TENTACLES] Instead of dancing with the tentacles: try dancing with the Q'udzlth instead. [DANCE WITH SELF] Instead of dancing with the player: say "If I had the chance, I'd ask the world to dance..." [BLOWING] Blowing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "blow [thing]" as blowing. Instead of blowing something: say "Please don't!" [HOLDING] Understand the command "hold" as something new. Holding is an action applying to one thing. Understand "hold [thing]" as holding. Instead of holding a thing: if holding the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if holding the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [HOLD MONSTER] Instead of holding the Q'udzlth: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HOLD TENTACLES] Instead of holding the tentacles: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HOLD EXOSKELETON] Instead of holding the exoskeleton: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HOLD SKULL] Instead of holding the skull: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HOLD HORNS] Instead of holding the horns: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HOLD SNOUT] Instead of holding the snout: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HOLD BODY] Instead of holding the body: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HOLD GELATIN] Instead of holding the gelatin: try hugging the Q'udzlth instead. [HOLD SELF] Instead of holding the player: say "You try in vain to comfort yourself." [HOLD UNIFORM] Instead of holding the uniform: say "If anything, your uniform is holding you." [HOLD HELMET] Instead of holding the uniform: say "If anything, your helmet is holding you." [HOLD SHIELD] Instead of holding the shield: say "You put your palms over your face shield, as you often do." [LICKING] Licking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "lick [thing]" as licking. [LICK MONSTER] Instead of licking the Q'udzlth: say "You stick out your tongue and lean in close to the creature..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The face shield of your helmet goes *TINK* against the exoskeleton.[paragraph break]Whoops![paragraph break]You soon feel the caress of the Q'udzlth's spiny noodle-like tongue.[paragraph break]Before you know it, the monster's digestive mucus is breaking you down into mush.[paragraph break]You are being eaten.[paragraph break]You are dead."; end the story. [LICK TENTACLES] Instead of licking the tentacles: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK EXOSKELETON] Instead of licking the exoskeleton: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK EYES] Instead of licking the eyes: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK SKULL] Instead of licking the skull: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK HORNS] Instead of licking the horns: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK SNOUT] Instead of licking the snout: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK TEETH] Instead of licking the teeth: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK TONGUE] Instead of licking the tongue: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK MUCUS] Instead of licking the mucus: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK BODY] Instead of licking the body: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK GELATIN] Instead of licking the gelatin: try licking the Q'udzlth instead. [LICK SELF] Instead of licking the player: say "It's hard to do wearing this helmet." [LICK UNIFORM] Instead of licking the uniform: try licking the player instead. [LICK HELMET] Instead of licking the helmet: try licking the shield instead. [LICK SHIELD] Instead of licking the shield: say "You stretch out your tongue, and just manage to make a tiny smudge on the inside of your visor. Great." [LICK ISLAND] Instead of licking the island: say "It's hard to do wearing this helmet." [LICK OCEAN] Instead of licking the ocean: say "It's hard to do wearing this helmet." [LICK PLANET] Instead of licking the planet: try licking the island instead. [LICK SKY] Instead of licking the sky: say "That's not a thing that can be done." [LICK SUNS] Instead of licking the suns: say "Sure. Whatever." Section 4(f) - Hygiene [CLEANING] Understand the command "clean" as something new. Understand the command "wipe" as something new. Cleaning is an action applying to one thing. Understand "clean [thing]" or "wipe [thing]" as cleaning. Instead of cleaning a thing: if cleaning the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if cleaning the player: continue the action; if cleaning the uniform: continue the action; if cleaning the helmet: continue the action; otherwise: say "You don't need to clean that!"; stop the action. [CLEAN MONSTER] Instead of cleaning the Q'udzlth: say "You try to wipe some of the spittle from the creature's snout..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Quickly the flesh of your hand is melting away.[paragraph break]The fluid must serve some digestive purpose.[paragraph break]Your suspicion is confirmed, as you are promptly eaten by the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [CLEAN SNOUT] Instead of cleaning the snout: try cleaning the Q'udzlth instead. [CLEAN TEETH] Instead of cleaning the teeth: try cleaning the Q'udzlth instead. [CLEAN TONGUE] Instead of cleaning the tongue: try cleaning the Q'udzlth instead. [CLEAN MUCUS] Instead of cleaning the mucus: try cleaning the Q'udzlth instead. [CLEAN SELF / CLOTHING] Instead of cleaning the player: try cleaning the uniform instead. [CLEAN HELMET] Instead of cleaning the helmet: try cleaning the uniform instead. [CLEAN SHIELD] Instead of cleaning the shield: say "You wipe the smudges off your helmet's visor." [CLEAN UNIFORM] Instead of cleaning the uniform: say "You wipe some of the dirt off your uniform. Good as new!" [CLEAN ISLAND] Instead of cleaning the island: say "You sweep some sand around, but the island remains unchanged." [CLEAN OCEAN] Instead of cleaning the ocean: say "It's a good environmentalist notion, but the ocean is as clean as it's going to get." [WASTE MANAGEMENT] Pooping is an action applying to nothing. Understand "poop" or "poop self" or "shit" or "shit self" or "crap" or "crap self" or "pee" or "pee self" or "piss" or "piss self" or "urinate" or "urinate self" or "puke" or "vomit" or "hurl" or "regurgitate" or "spew" or "upchuck" or "barf" or "ralph" as pooping. Instead of pooping: say "An appropriate reaction, but you decide against it for now." Section 4(g) - Manipulation [TAKE MONSTER] Instead of taking the Q'udzlth: say "You grunt with all your might and heave the monster onto your shoulders..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]For a moment or two it looks as if you're not going to be able to lift it, but heroically you finally lift it high in the air![paragraph break]Seconds later, however, you topple underneath the weight, and the Q'udzlth crushes you fatally.[paragraph break]Man, you're dense."; end the story. [TAKE TENTACLES] Instead of taking the tentacles: say "You pick up a tentacle..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]A tentacle picks you up.[paragraph break]A Q'udzlth eats you.[paragraph break]You die."; end the story. [TAKE EXOSKELETON] Instead of taking the exoskeleton: say "You attempt to pry the exoskeleton off of the creature's body..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You pull with all your might, but the exoskeleton only seems to budge a little before snapping back into place.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth looks peeved.[paragraph break]It tears your space suit and helmet from your piece by piece, until you are left naked and totally exposed to the elements.[paragraph break]The atmosphere here is hostile, you simply aren't evolved to breathe the air.[paragraph break]As you slowly asphyxiate, the Q'udzlth continues tearing away at your skin.[paragraph break]It hurts tremendously, but it doesn't kill you immediately.[paragraph break]Fortunately, you lose consciousness before slowly bleeding out.[paragraph break]'Fortunately' being a relative term here."; end the story. [TAKE EYES] Instead of taking the eyes: say "You make a grab for the creature's eyes..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth anticipates your movement and swats your hand away with a swift flick of a tentacle.[paragraph break]Just as quickly, another tentacle smashes through the visor of your helmet and scoops one of your eyeballs from its socket.[paragraph break]You are in immense pain, and your depth perception is somewhat hampered at close range.[paragraph break]Your agony and potential enjoyment of 3-D movies quickly become irrelevant as the tentacles abruptly squeeze all the life from you, rendering you dead."; end the story. [TAKE SKULL] Instead of taking the skull: say "You try to yank the skull right off the monster's body..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The creature's head is firmly attached to its body and doesn't budge.[paragraph break]A tentacle deftly seizes you by the helmet and pulls; despite being firmly attached to your body, your head does budge.[paragraph break]It budges clean off, ceasing your existence."; end the story. [TAKE HORNS] Instead of taking the horns: say "You try to snatch the beast's mighty horns..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The mitts of your space suit are shredded by the razor-sharp horns, as are your palms.[paragraph break]As you attempt to withdraw your hands, they are seized by a pair of slick meaty tentacles and snapped clean off of your arms.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth eats your hands while you watch, and then makes hasty work of the rest of you."; end the story. [TAKE SNOUT] Instead of taking the snout: say "You attempt to take the monster's bizarre-looking snout..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The rubbery snout stretches a little before slipping from your hands and rebounding to its original shape.[paragraph break]A tentacle shatters your helmet's visor and rips your nose from your face.[paragraph break]It hurts way more than you remember when your uncle used to do this![paragraph break]As the creature gobbles down your nose, you faint.[paragraph break]You never regain consciousness."; end the story. [TAKE TEETH] Instead of taking the teeth: say "You reach into the creature's orifice to try and snatch a tooth..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Instead the teeth snatch your hand from off your arm.[paragraph break]Then a tentacle snatches the visor from your helmet.[paragraph break]Then the tentacle's suckers snatch each tooth from your head one by one.[paragraph break]Then you forget all about the island and the Q'udzlth and retreat to your 'happy place.'[paragraph break]You don't even notice as the monster dismembers and consumes you, bit by bit."; end the story. [TAKE TONGUE] Instead of taking the tongue: say "You grab the creature by the tongue..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The tongue grabs you back.[paragraph break]You are pulled into the Q'udzlth's toothy orifice, where you are digested by acidic saliva and chewed by jagged teeth.[paragraph break]You are dead and eaten."; end the story. [TAKE MUCUS] Instead of taking the mucus: say "You snag a dollop of the translucent mucus that drips from the creature's snout..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It rapidly eats through your uniform and begins to burn your hands.[paragraph break]Soon your wrists are bloody stumps.[paragraph break]The creature shrieks and sprays you from head to toe with the viscous fluid.[paragraph break]After the acid does its job, nothing is left of you but a puddle...[paragraph break]Easily consumed by the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [TAKE BODY] Instead of taking the body: say "You try to take the monster's immense body..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It's much too large, heavy, and slippery; you can barely grasp it, much less take it.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth's tentacles have no problem taking you right off the ground.[paragraph break]Its digestive mucus has no problem dissolving you.[paragraph break]Its tongue has no problem slurping you up.[paragraph break]Its teeth have no problem chewing you.[paragraph break]In fact, the Q'udzlth has no problem eating you at all!"; end the story. [TAKE GELATIN] Instead of taking the gelatin: say "You try to scoop up some of the jelly-like substance that constitutes much of the sea monster..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It wobbles a little, but it's too slippery to grasp.[paragraph break]You wobble more than a little as a slippery tentacle grasps you.[paragraph break]You are quickly broken down into your constituent parts.[paragraph break]You are Q'udzlth chow."; end the story. [TAKE SELF] Instead of taking the player: say "Don't take yourself so seriously." [TAKE ISLAND] Instead of taking the island: say "The sand slips between your fingers." [PULL MONSTER] Instead of pulling the Q'udzlth: say "You grab a tentacle and pull with all your might..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The slippery tentacle wriggles out of your grasp.[paragraph break]Immediately the tentacle coils around your neck, and another coils around your legs.[paragraph break]You feel your body being stretched beyond its limits.[paragraph break]Then you *SNAP* like a twig![paragraph break]Soon the Q'udzlth is feasting on your insides, but you don't even notice."; end the story. [PULL TENTACLES] Instead of pulling the tentacles: try pulling the Q'udzlth instead. [PULL EXOSKELETON] Instead of pulling the exoskeleton: say "You grab onto a piece of the creature's chitinous armor and pull with all your might..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The exoskeleton does not budge, but the Q'udzlth looks annoyed.[paragraph break]Tentacles tear away your space suit and helmet piece by piece.[paragraph break]As you gasp for breath, you choke on the planet's inhospitable atmosphere.[paragraph break]You collapse on the beach, naked and asphyxiated.[paragraph break]Soon you will be food for the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [PULL SKULL] Instead of pulling the skull: say "You grab onto the beast's skull and pull with all your might..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The barely nods before springing back into its original upright position.[paragraph break]Tentacles quickly seize you by the helmet and begin to tug, until finally... *SNAP*![paragraph break]Your head makes a nice appetizer for the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [PULL EYES] Instead of pulling the eyes: try taking the eyes instead. [PULL HORNS] Instead of pulling the horns: try taking the horns instead. [PULL SNOUT] Instead of pulling the snout: say "You grab onto the bell of the monster's bugle-like snout and pull with all your might..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]As the rubbery snout stretches, the creature lets out a deafening yelp![paragraph break]Then a tentacle bursts through the visor of your helmet, hooks itself inside your nose, and begins to tug forcefully.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth rips your nose clean off of your face and scarfs it down as you watch.[paragraph break]As you stand there dumbfoundedly gripping your face, the beast sets about ripping the rest of you to bite-size pieces for easier consumption.[paragraph break]After a few extremities have been torn from your body, you finally lose consciousness.[paragraph break]You never wake up."; end the story. [PULL TEETH] Instead of pulling the teeth: say "You reach inside the beast's snout, grab a tooth, and pull with all your might..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth's snout closes around your hand.[paragraph break]You feel the monster's digestive acid burning through the flesh of your hand.[paragraph break]Countless teeth are chewing you.[paragraph break]A spiny tongue tugs at your arm.[paragraph break]Eventually you disappear completely inside the creature's horrific orifice.[paragraph break]You never return."; end the story. [PULL TONGUE] Instead of pulling the tongue: say "You grab onto the creature's noodle-like tongue and give it a firm tug..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The tongue tugs back.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth coats you in digestive acid and slurps you down.[paragraph break]What a way to go![paragraph break]You'd be embarrassed, if you were alive.[paragraph break]But you are not."; end the story. [PULL MUCUS] Instead of pulling the mucus: try taking the mucus instead. [PULL BODY] Instead of pulling the body: try pulling the exoskeleton instead. [PULL GELATIN] Instead of pulling the gelatin: try pulling the Q'udzlth instead. [PULL SELF] Instead of pulling the player: say "You tug on your arm, but you don't move very far." [PUSH MONSTER] Instead of pushing the Q'udzlth: say "You give the monster a mighty heave..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The gelatinous mass wobbles but does not budge.[paragraph break]You are swiftly swatted to the ground by an enormous tentacle.[paragraph break]The creature leans over you, spewing acidic mucus all over you from its strange funnel-shaped snout.[paragraph break]The burning!!![paragraph break]As your flesh begins to melt, the Q'udzlth extends its spiny noodle of a tongue and begins lapping up the decaying bits of you into its mouth-like orifice.[paragraph break]Shortly thereafter you are unconscious, and remember nothing else.[paragraph break]Ever."; end the story. [PUSH TENTACLES] Instead of pushing the tentacles: try pushing the Q'udzlth instead. [PUSH EXOSKELETON] Instead of pushing the exoskeleton: try pushing the Q'udzlth instead. [PUSH EYES] Instead of pushing the eyes: say "You press firmly on the beast's eyes..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The monster lets out a horrendous squawk.[paragraph break]An tentacle hoists you high into the air until you are looking down upon the top of the Q'udzlth.[paragraph break]You come rapidly down again, face-first upon a chitinous horn.[paragraph break]It pierces first through your eye sockets and then exits again through the back of your skull.[paragraph break]You dangle limply, skewered through the head on one of the Q'udzlth's fearsome horns like some grim fashion accessory.[paragraph break]And there you remain."; end the story. [PUSH SKULL] Instead of pushing the skull: say "You give the beast's massive head a little push..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It bobbles back and forth a bit, then corrects itself.[paragraph break]Seemingly from nowhere, a tentacle swats your head clean off of your neck.[paragraph break]You'd feel a bit stupid (if you were alive)."; end the story. [PUSH HORNS] Instead of pushing the horns: say "You reach up and push on the creature's scimitar-like horns..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The beast's head leans back momentarily.[paragraph break]As it rights itself, the Q'udzlth over-corrects.[paragraph break]The sea monster falls face-first on top of you, crushing you under the weight of massive skull.[paragraph break]You lose. At life."; end the story. [PUSH SNOUT] Instead of pushing the snout: say "You put your hands on the bell of the creature's snout and push..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The rubbery snout compresses against the Q'udzlth's skull.[paragraph break]Then it then pops back out into its original shape, knocking you onto your back.[paragraph break]A tentacle smashes through the visor of your helmet and begins pressing against your nose.[paragraph break]Eventually your nose breaks.[paragraph break]The tentacle keeps pressing until your nose is buried somewhere in the center of your brain.[paragraph break]Cognitive functions fail you.[paragraph break]You are dead."; end the story. [PUSH TEETH] Instead of pushing the teeth: say "You place a hand inside the beast's snout and begin applying pressure to its teeth..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The teeth apply pressure in return.[paragraph break]Your hand is quickly mangled to a useless nub.[paragraph break]A tentacle breaks through your helmet's visor and forces its way into your mouth.[paragraph break]As you gag, the rubbery appendage applies pressure to your lower teeth.[paragraph break]Your jaw snaps loose from your skull and dangles limply from your face.[paragraph break]You faint, and the Q'udzlth makes a quick meal of you.[paragraph break]Too bad."; end the story. [PUSH TONGUE] Instead of pushing the tongue: say "You try to push the noodle-like tongue back into the monster's gaping orifice..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth pushes you into the opening as well.[paragraph break]Digestive acid and rows of fangs make quick work of you.[paragraph break]Surely there are dumber ways to die, but you can't think of any.[paragraph break](Because you're dead)."; end the story. [PUSH MUCUS] Instead of pushing the mucus: say "You can't figure out how to push that." [PUSH BODY] Instead of pushing the body: try pushing the Q'udzlth instead. [PUSH GELATIN] Instead of pushing the gelatin: try pushing the Q'udzlth instead. [PUSH SELF] Instead of pushing the player: say "Yes, keep striving!" [SHAKING] Shaking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shake [thing]" as shaking. Instead of shaking a thing: if shaking the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if shaking the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You have no luck shaking that."; stop the action. [SHAKE MONSTER] Instead of shaking the Q'udzlth: say "You grab the beast and begin to shake it..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth is too slippery; you lose your grasp![paragraph break]Its tentacles snatch you up off the ground and begin to jostle you furiously.[paragraph break]You think you can feel your brain bouncing off the walls of your skull.[paragraph break]Soon you are unconscious.[paragraph break]You don't feel a thing as the monster digests and consumes you."; end the story. [SHAKE TENTACLES] Instead of shaking the tentacles: try shaking the Q'udzlth instead. [SHAKE EXOSKELETON] Instead of shaking the exoskeleton: try shaking the Q'udzlth instead. [SHAKE SKULL] Instead of shaking the skull: try shaking the Q'udzlth instead. [SHAKE HORNS] Instead of shaking the horns: say "You grab the horns and give them a shake..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Shredding your palms in the process.[paragraph break]The beast spears you on the very same horns and gives you a shake.[paragraph break]Your entrails litter the beach.[paragraph break]The rest of you resides on the Q'udzlth's head for quite some time."; end the story. [SHAKE SNOUT] Instead of shaking the snout: try shaking the Q'udzlth instead. [SHAKE TONGUE] Instead of shaking the tongue: say "You grab the creature by the tongue and begin to shake vigorously..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The tongue coils around you and drags you into the Q'udzlth's gaping maw.[paragraph break]There you are broken down and digested by countless fangs and acidic saliva.[paragraph break]Then you are swallowed.[paragraph break]And that is that."; end the story. [SHAKE BODY] Instead of shaking the body: try shaking the Q'udzlth instead. [SHAKE GELATIN] Instead of shaking the gelatin: try shaking the Q'udzlth instead. [SHAKE SELF] Instead of shaking the player: say "Don't just stand there, bust a move!" [RUBBING] Understand "rub [thing]" or "massage [thing]" or "pet [thing]" as rubbing. Instead of rubbing a thing: if rubbing the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if rubbing the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [RUB MONSTER] Instead of rubbing the Q'udzlth: say "You extend an open palm out and begin to massage the creature's rubbery exterior..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The beast extends a tentacle and begins to rub you, too.[paragraph break]It rubs until your space suit tears.[paragraph break]It rubs until your skin begins to loosen from everything it contains.[paragraph break]It rubs until you are a pile of formless blubber on the ground.[paragraph break]Then it devours you."; end the story. [RUB TENTACLES] Instead of rubbing the tentacles: try rubbing the Q'udzlth instead. [RUB EXOSKELETON] Instead of rubbing the tentacles: try rubbing the Q'udzlth instead. [RUB EYES] Instead of rubbing the eyes: say "You attempt to rub the creature's eyes..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It blinks.[paragraph break]Then it seizes your head and aggressively grinds it into the sand until your helmet has shattered and all the skin is gone from what used to be your face.[paragraph break]Then it lobs far out into the ocean.[paragraph break]The salt water burns in your wounds, at least until you drown."; end the story. [RUB SKULL] Instead of rubbing the tentacles: try rubbing the Q'udzlth instead. [RUB HORNS] Instead of rubbing the horns: say "You give the monster's horns a rub..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]This is worse than any paper cut you've ever given yourself.[paragraph break]You are bleeding profusely from your palms.[paragraph break]A spiny tongue is lapping up your blood.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth is hungry.[paragraph break]You're dinner!"; end the story. [RUB SNOUT] Instead of rubbing the snout: try rubbing the Q'udzlth instead. [RUB TEETH] Instead of rubbing the teeth: say "You put your hand inside the creature's maw and begin rubbing its teeth..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The teeth rub you back, tearing your space suit and eventually your flesh as well.[paragraph break]Before long, the creature has eaten you entirely.[paragraph break]Rest in peace."; end the story. [RUB TONGUE] Instead of rubbing the tongue: say "You pet the spiny bristles on the creature's tongue..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The tongue begins to stroke your head and shoulders.[paragraph break]Then it coils around you.[paragraph break]Acidic goo covers your body.[paragraph break]Everything is burning![paragraph break]It's supper time for the Q'udzlth.[paragraph break]You are on the menu."; end the story. [RUB MUCUS] Instead of rubbing the mucus: say "For reasons that defy explanation, you begin to rub the slime with your palms..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The acidic mucus burns through the gloves of your space suit, then through the palms of your hands.[paragraph break]You withdraw your hands in agony, but it is too late - you are being digested![paragraph break]Tentacles caress you as you find yourself sliding into the open mouth of the Q'udzlth, where you are chewed to paste and swallowed.[paragraph break]You have expired."; end the story. [RUB BODY] Instead of rubbing the tentacles: try rubbing the Q'udzlth instead. [RUB GELATIN] Instead of rubbing the tentacles: try rubbing the Q'udzlth instead. [RUB SELF] Instead of rubbing the player: say "You're enjoying this too much." [RUB ISLAND] Instead of rubbing the island: say "Good island!" [RUB PLANET] Instead of rubbing the planet: say "Good planet!" [RUB UNIFORM] Instead of rubbing the uniform: say "You're acting a bit bizarre lately." [RUB HELMET] Instead of rubbing the helmet: try rubbing the uniform instead. [RUB SHIELD] Instead of rubbing the shield: try cleaning the shield instead. [SQUEEZE MONSTER] Instead of squeezing the Q'udzlth: say "You give the beast a squeeze..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The rubbery material gives a little, but then returns to its natural shape.[paragraph break]Suddenly you are being compressed between a pair of tentacles.[paragraph break]You give a little...[paragraph break]You don't return to your natural shape."; end the story. [SQUEEZE TENTACLES] Instead of squeezing the tentacles: say "You grab a tentacle and give it a squeeze..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It's wet and squishy.[paragraph break]Before you know it, the tentacle is squeezing you.[paragraph break]You can't breathe.[paragraph break]You really, really can't breathe.[paragraph break]And that is the last of you."; end the story. [SQUEEZE EXOSKELETON] Instead of squeezing the tentacles: try squeezing the Q'udzlth instead. [SQUEEZE EYES] Instead of squeezing the eyes: say "You give the sea monster's eyes a good squeeze..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]A tentacle gives your head a good squeeze.[paragraph break]It bursts."; end the story. [SQUEEZE SKULL] Instead of squeezing the skull: try squeezing the Q'udzlth instead. [SQUEEZE HORNS] Instead of squeezing the horns: say "You wrap a hand around each of the monster's horns and squeeze..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Severing your fingers in the process.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth, irritated, guts you and devours your remains."; end the story. [SQUEEZE SNOUT] Instead of squeezing the snout: say "You grab the slimy bell of the creature's funnel-shaped snout and give it a squeeze..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Translucent goo spurts out all over you.[paragraph break]It melts your suit, and then it melts you.[paragraph break]Shortly thereafter, you are reduced to a paste suitable for consumption by the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [SQUEEZE TEETH] Instead of squeezing the teeth: say "You reach into the creature's open snout, grab a tooth, and give it a squeeze..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Immediately the snout closes around your arm, which you feel being crushed by row after row of fangs.[paragraph break]You fall limp on the beach, your arm having been completely gnawed off.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth still looks hungry.[paragraph break]The beast creeps closer toward you as your consciousness fades."; end the story. [SQUEEZE TONGUE] Instead of squeezing the tongue: say "You grab the beast by the tongue and squeeze as hard as you can..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The gloves of your space suit are perforated by the tongue's countless spiny barbs.[paragraph break]The monster suddenly retracts the tongue into its snout, and you along with it.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth makes a quick meal of you."; end the story. [SQUEEZE MUCUS] Instead of squeezing the mucus: try squeezing the snout instead. [SQUEEZE BODY] Instead of squeezing the body: try squeezing the Q'udzlth instead. [SQUEEZE GELATIN] Instead of squeezing the gelatin: try squeezing the Q'udzlth instead. [SQUEEZE SELF] Instead of squeezing the player: say "Ow! Too tight!" [SQUEEZE UNIFORM] Instead of squeezing the uniform: say "It's already tight enough." [SQUEEZE HELMET] Instead of squeezing the helmet: say "You give yourself a headache, but nothing else happens." [TYING] Tying is an action applying to one thing. Understand "tie [thing]" as tying. Instead of tying a thing: if tying the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if tying the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "You can't tie that!"; stop the action. [TIE MONSTER] Instead of tying the Q'udzlth: say "You pick up two tentacles and attempt to tie them into a nice bow..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth lets loose a low, wet growl.[paragraph break]Now you are tied into a nice bow.[paragraph break]You are also dead."; end the story. [TIE TENTACLES] Instead of tying the tentacles: try tying the Q'udzlth instead. [TIE TONGUE] Instead of tying the tongue: say "You grab the beast's tongue and tie it into a knot..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth moans.[paragraph break]A pair of tentacles snatch you up and tie you into a knot.[paragraph break]There'll be no putting you back into shape."; end the story. [TIE SELF] Instead of tying the player: say "You can't figure out how to make that work." [TURNING] Understand "turn [thing]" or "spin [thing]" or "turn around [thing]" or "spin around [thing]" as turning. Instead of turning a thing: say "You can't turn that." [TURN MONSTER] Instead of turning the Q'udzlth: say "You grab the monster by its front pair of tentacles and attempt to spin it in place...."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The heavy creature barely moves.[paragraph break]The pair of tentacles seize your head and begin turning it around your neck.[paragraph break]It spins farther than you would have expected before the eventual *SNAP*.[paragraph break]Fortunately you have no memory of being digested and consumed by the Q'udzlth.[paragraph break]Or anything else."; end the story. [TURN TENTACLES] Instead of turning the tentacles: try turning the Q'udzlth instead. [TURN SELF] Instead of turning the player: try running from the Q'udzlth instead. [TURN UNIFORM] Instead of turning the uniform: say "You'd have to take the uniform off first, and that's probably not a good idea." [TURN HELMET] Instead of turning the helmet: say "Your neck pops, but nothing else happens." [WAKING] Understand "wake [thing]" as waking. Instead of waking a thing: if waking the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if waking the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [WAKE MONSTER] Instead of waking the Q'udzlth: say "You jostle the monster and whisper, 'Wake up...'"; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth is already awake.[paragraph break]You are its food.[paragraph break]Now you are dead."; end the story. [WAKE SELF] Instead of waking the player: say "You're all out of syn-caff; you're awake as you're going to get." Instead of waking up: try waking the player instead. [WEAR MONSTER] Before wearing the Q'udzlth: say "You wrap the monster around yourself..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth is happy to oblige you.[paragraph break]Its embrace grows tighter...[paragraph break]And tighter...[paragraph break]Until you are completely unconscious.[paragraph break]It's probably better this way."; end the story. [WEAR SELF] Before wearing the player: say "You're already wearing you!"; stop the action. [PINCHING] Pinching is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pinch [thing]" as pinching. Instead of pinching a thing: if pinching the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if pinching the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [PINCH MONSTER] Instead of pinching the Q'udzlth: say "You pinch the beast's rubbery flesh..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth lets out a high-pitched shriek.[paragraph break]Now a pair of tentacles are pinching you.[paragraph break]You pop!"; end the story. [PINCH TENTACLES] Instead of pinching the tentacles: try pinching the Q'udzlth instead. [PINCH EXOSKELETON] Instead of pinching the exoskeleton: try pinching the Q'udzlth instead. [PINCH SKULL] Instead of pinching the skull: try pinching the Q'udzlth instead. [PINCH SNOUT] Instead of pinching the snout: try pinching the Q'udzlth instead. [PINCH TONGUE] Instead of pinching the tongue: try pinching the Q'udzlth instead. [PINCH BODY] Instead of pinching the body: try pinching the Q'udzlth instead. [PINCH GELATIN] Instead of pinching the gelatin: try pinching the Q'udzlth instead. [PINCH SELF] Instead of pinching the player: say "Ouch!" [PINCH ISLAND] Instead of pinching the island: say "You pinch some sand between your fingers, but you lose your grip." [PINCH OCEAN] Instead of pinching the ocean: say "You pinch some water between your fingers, but you lose your grip." [PINCH PLANET] Instead of pinching the planet: try pinching the island instead. [PINCH SUNS] Instead of pinching the suns: say "You close one eye and pretend to pinch the suns between your fingers." [FILLING] Filling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "fill [thing]" as filling. Instead of filling a thing: if filling the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if filling the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [FILL MONSTER] Instead of filling the Q'udzlth: say "You think the monster looks empty, so you decide to fill it..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth is happy to oblige.[paragraph break]It feasts upon your flesh until it is thoroughly full.[paragraph break]Great job!"; end the story. [FILL SELF] Instead of filling the player: say "I'm not even going to try to parse that." [FILL PLANET] Instead of filling the planet: say "You're not big enough!" [FILL ISLAND] Instead of filling the island: try filling the planet instead. [FILL OCEAN] Instead of filling the ocean: try filling the planet instead. [FILL SKY] Instead of filling the sky: try filling the planet instead. [FILL UNIFORM] Instead of filling the uniform: try pooping instead. [FILL HELMET] Instead of filling the helmet: try pooping instead. [OPEN MONSTER] Instead of opening the Q'udzlth: say "You spread the creature's rubbery snout open as far as it will go..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]A tentacle deftly pushes you inside.[paragraph break]Your flesh is dissolved by acidic saliva, ground to pulp by rows of razor-sharp fangs, and dragged down the beast's throat by a spiny tongue.[paragraph break]You know what they say about curiosity and the cat."; end the story. [OPEN SNOUT] Instead of opening the snout: try opening the Q'udzlth instead. [OPEN SELF] Instead of opening the player: say "You have a hard time of it, but the Q'udzlth would be glad to help." [OPEN SKY] Instead of opening the sky: say "You raise your arms heavenward, the clouds part, and... Just kidding! Nothing happens." [OPEN HELMET] Instead of opening the helmet: try taking off the helmet instead. [OPEN SHIELD] Instead of opening the shield: try taking off the helmet instead. [CLOSE MONSTER] Instead of closing the Q'udzlth: say "You try to close the bell-like orifice at the end of the creature's snout..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth gives you an angry glare.[paragraph break]Then its slimy tentacles seize you, fold you up like a piece of laundry, and insert you into its gaping maw.[paragraph break]And that is all there is to say about that."; end the story. [CLOSE SNOUT] Instead of closing the snout: try closing the Q'udzlth instead. [CLOSE SELF] Instead of closing the player: say "Are you just typing whatever nonsense comes to mind?" [SWINGING] Understand "swing [thing]" as swinging. Instead of swinging a thing: if swinging the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if swinging the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [SWING MONSTER] Instead of swinging the Q'udzlth: say "You seize the beast by one of its tentacles and attempt to swing it around..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]No matter how hard you tug at the slimy appendage, the Q'udzlth refuses to budge.[paragraph break]Soon the tentacle has snatched you up by the arm.[paragraph break]The monster twirls you about over its head until your shoulder is dislocated.[paragraph break]Then it slams you down against the beach as hard as it can.[paragraph break]You see stars for a moment, then it's lights out.[paragraph break]The lights never come back on again."; end the story. [SWING TENTACLES] Instead of swinging the tentacles: try swinging the Q'udzlth instead. [SWING SELF] Instead of swinging the player: try digging instead. [THROWING] Understand the command "throw" as something new. Throwing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "throw [thing]" or "yeet [thing]" or "toss [thing]" or "lob [thing]" as throwing. Instead of throwing a thing: if throwing the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if throwing the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [THROW MONSTER] Instead of throwing the Q'udzlth: say "You pick up a tentacle and heave it at the massive sea beast..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The tentacle feebly slaps against the monster's rubbery exoskeleton.[paragraph break]Then it seizes you up and launches you as hard as it can.[paragraph break]After what seems an eternity of hurling through the air, you splash down in the ocean far from shore.[paragraph break]You think some bones may have broken on impact with the water, because you ache all over and can't muster the energy to swim.[paragraph break]You eventually sink beneath the waves to your inevitable demise.[paragraph break]You have drowned."; end the story. [THROW TENTACLES] Instead of throwing the tentacles: try throwing the Q'udzlth instead. [THROW SELF] Instead of throwing the player: say "You hop and lunge awkwardly for a while, but nothing is accomplished." [THROW UNIFORM] Instead of throwing the uniform: say "That's attached to you!" [THROW HELMET] Instead of throwing the helmet: try throwing the uniform instead. [THROW ISLAND] Instead of throwing the island: say "You toss some sand around, but the Q'udzlth gives you a look that implies you'd better knock it off." [THROW OCEAN] Instead of throwing the ocean: say "You splash some water around, but the Q'udzlth gives you a look that implies you'd better knock it off." [THROW SUNS] Instead of throwing the suns: say "You can't reach those!" [EMPTYING] Emptying is an action applying to one thing. Understand "empty [thing]" as emptying. Instead of emptying a thing: if emptying the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if emptying the player: continue the action; if emptying the ocean: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [EMPTY MONSTER] Instead of emptying the Q'udzlth: say "You reach inside the creature's gaping maw to remove whatever you find inside..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]What you find inside is an excess of translucent digestive goo.[paragraph break]The slime first corrodes your space suit; then you feel an intense burning sensation as the fluid begins to work on your flesh as well.[paragraph break]Before you can react, a long noodle-like tongue covered in spines is coiling around you.[paragraph break]The tongue drags you kicking and screaming into the open orifice, where you are mashed to pulp by rows upon rows of jagged yellow fangs.[paragraph break]The resulting paste is hastily gobbled down by the Q'udzlth, who then erupts with a loud belch.[paragraph break]And that is the last of you."; end the story. [EMPTY SNOUT] Instead of emptying the snout: try emptying the Q'udzlth instead. [EMPTY MUCUS] Instead of emptying the mucus: try emptying the Q'udzlth instead. [EMPTY SELF] Instead of emptying the player: try pooping instead. [EMPTY OCEAN] Instead of emptying the ocean: say "Good luck!" [POKING] Poking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "poke [thing]" or "jab [thing]" as poking. [POKE MONSTER] Instead of poking the Q'udzlth: say "You poke the creature as hard as you can..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth pokes you as hard as it can.[paragraph break]First it pokes with its tentacles, which hurts a bit.[paragraph break]Then it pokes with its horns, which hurts considerably.[paragraph break]It keeps poking until you collapse in a bloody heap.[paragraph break]Hopefully you've learned something from this.[paragraph break]Nevermind, you're dead."; end the story. [POKE TENTACLES] Instead of poking the tentacles: say "You poke one of the tentacles as hard as you can..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The tentacle pokes you back.[paragraph break]You stumble and topple to the ground.[paragraph break]Then the Q'udzlth rips you apart and eats you piece by piece."; end the story. [POKE EXOSKELETON] Instead of poking the exoskeleton: say "You poke the exoskeleton as hard as you can..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The rubbery chitin gives a little bit and then gradually returns to its original shape.[paragraph break]A tentacle swats down on your head with tremendous force, flattening you like a pancake.[paragraph break]You never return to your original shape."; end the story. [POKE EYES] Instead of poking the eyes: say "You poke the monster right in the eye as hard as you can..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The monster grimaces.[paragraph break]Then a tentacle punches through your visor and into your eye, rapidly and repeatedly.[paragraph break]Blinded, you stagger and collapse on the beach.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth tears you apart and eats your innards."; end the story. [POKE SKULL] Instead of poking the skull: say "You poke the beast's humongous head..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth stares at you blankly.[paragraph break]There is a pregnant pause.[paragraph break]Then it eats you."; end the story. [POKE HORNS] Instead of poking the horns: say "You poke the creature firmly on one of its horns..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The beast pokes you firmly on one of its horns.[paragraph break]You die."; end the story. [POKE SNOUT] Instead of poking the snout: say "You poke the creature's weird bugle-shaped snout..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]A spiny tongue emerges from the funnel and coils around your wrist, drawing you inside the snout's dank orifice.[paragraph break]There you are melted by digestive acid and gnashed by countless rows of fangs.[paragraph break]Ultimately, the Q'udzlth eats you.[paragraph break]SURPRISE!"; end the story. [POKE TEETH] Instead of poking the teeth: say "You stick your hand in the creature's orifice and poke at its teeth..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The beast's funnel-like snout snaps shut around your hand.[paragraph break]The teeth poke and poke and poke and poke.[paragraph break]You draw back a bloody stump.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth is not done with you.[paragraph break]Luckily, you lose consciousness before the truly nasty part.[paragraph break]You're dead, though."; end the story. [POKE TONGUE] Instead of poking the tongue: say "You poke the creature's strange spiny tongue..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The tongue pokes you firmly in the chest, and you stagger backwards.[paragraph break]You trip over a tentacle that has coiled around your foot.[paragraph break]Then come horrors you'd be unlikely to forget...[paragraph break]But you die before the horrors end."; end the story. [POKE MUCUS] Instead of poking the mucus: say "You poke at the translucent mucus..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It burns your fingertip![paragraph break]Then the funnel-like snout drenches your whole body in the acidic saliva.[paragraph break]Your flesh melts to nothing.[paragraph break]You are no more."; end the story. [POKE BODY] Instead of poking the body: try poking the exoskeleton. [POKE GELATIN] Instead of poking the gelatin: say "You poke the creature right in the jiggly bits..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The slimy flesh ripples a little.[paragraph break]Then a tentacle pokes you, and you ripple a little.[paragraph break]You are taken aback by the force of the blow.[paragraph break]As you stand staring in shock, the Q'udzlth hastily dismembers you.[paragraph break]Then it's dinner time."; end the story. [POKE SELF] Instead of poking yourself: say "You poke yourself for no apparent reason." [POKE UNIFORM] Instead of poking the uniform: say "You poke your uniform, but nothing happens." [POKE HELMET] Instead of poking the helmet: say "You poke your helmet, but nothing happens." [POKE SHIELD] Instead of poking the shield: say "You poke your visor. Maybe it's a little more smudged now, but nothing really happens." [POKE ISLAND] Instead of poking the island: say "You poke the sand, but nothing happens." [POKE OCEAN] Instead of poking the ocean: say "You poke the water, but nothing happens." [POKE PLANET] Instead of poking the planet: try poking the island instead. [POKE SKY] Instead of poking the sky: say "You can't poke the sky." [POKE SUNS] Instead of poking the suns: say "You definitely can't reach the suns." [COVERING] Understand the command "cover" as something new. Covering is an action applying to one thing. Understand "cover [thing]" as covering. [COVER MONSTER] Instead of covering the Q'udzlth: say "You try to cover the creature with your body..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]As you press yourself against the monster, its tentacles snake around you.[paragraph break]They juggle you around between them, and you feel yourself being rolled deeper into the slimy blob of the beast's body.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth covers you.[paragraph break]You suffocate beneath the gelatinous mass."; end the story. [COVER TENTACLES] Instead of covering the tentacles: try covering the Q'udzlth instead. [COVER EXOSKELETON] Instead of covering the exoskeleton: try covering the Q'udzlth instead. [COVER EYES] Instead of covering the eyes: say "You put your hands over the creature's eyes..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The creature puts its tentacles over your eyes.[paragraph break]Something wet is dripping down the front of your torso; you can feel it through your space suit.[paragraph break]It tingles, no, it burns![paragraph break]Your entrails spill out of your body, splattering the beach with gore.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth laps them up with its spiny, noodle-like tongue.[paragraph break]Your organs are a delicacy."; end the story. [COVER SKULL] Instead of covering the skull: try covering the Q'udzlth instead. [COVER HORNS] Instead of covering the horns: say "You attempt to cover the beast's scimitar-like horns with your body..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You succeed.[paragraph break]You are all over those horns.[paragraph break]Some of those bits on the horns should really be inside your body.[paragraph break]They're not anymore."; end the story. [COVER SNOUT] Instead of covering the snout: say "Using your palms, you block the creature's gaping orifice..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Your palms are tickled by the beast's spiny tongue.[paragraph break]They are burned by its acidic digestive fluid.[paragraph break]They are gnawed by its many, many teeth.[paragraph break]When you draw back in agony, you see bones where your hands once were.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth sees a meal where you once were.[paragraph break]Soon the snout is covering you."; end the story. [COVER TEETH] Instead of covering the teeth: try covering the snout instead. [COVER TONGUE] Instead of covering the tongue: try covering the snout instead. [COVER MUCUS] Instead of covering the mucus: try covering the snout instead. [COVER BODY] Instead of covering the body: try covering the Q'udzlth instead. [COVER GELATIN] Instead of covering the gelatin: try covering the Q'udzlth instead. [COVER SELF] Instead of covering the player: say "The uniform is covering you just fine." [COVER UNIFORM] Instead of covering the uniform: say "You've got it backwards... The uniform covers you!" [COVER HELMET] Instead of covering the helmet: say "You put your hands on top of your head. It accomplishes nothing, so you eventually stop." [COVER SHIELD] Instead of covering the shield: say "You put your hands over your visor. You can't see anything that way, so you eventually stop." [COVER ISLAND] Instead of covering the island: say "You aren't big enough." [COVER OCEAN] Instead of covering the ocean: say "You aren't big enough." [COVER PLANET] Instead of covering the planet: say "You aren't big enough." [COVER SKY] Instead of covering the sky: say "You aren't big enough." [COVER SUNS] Instead of covering the suns: say "You hold up your hands to try and block out the light of the suns, but it's hard (what with there being two of them)." Section 4(h) - Senses [EXAMINING DIRECTIONS] Instead of examining north: say "You see nothing but ocean for miles and miles..." Instead of examining northeast: say "You see nothing but ocean for miles and miles..." Instead of examining east: say "You see nothing but ocean for miles and miles..." Instead of examining southeast: say "You see nothing but ocean for miles and miles..." Instead of examining south: say "You see nothing but ocean for miles and miles..." Instead of examining southwest: say "You see nothing but ocean for miles and miles..." Instead of examining west: say "You see nothing but ocean for miles and miles..." Instead of examining northwest: say "You see nothing but ocean for miles and miles..." Instead of examining down: say "You see nothing but the sand beneath your feet." Instead of examining up: say "The suns are overhead in the sky." [SMELLING] Instead of smelling: say "The smell of salt wafts in from the ocean. You also catch a whiff of a dank, fishy odor emanating from the Q'udzlth." [SMELL MONSTER] Instead of smelling the Q'udzlth: say "You lean in close and take a whiff of the monster..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]A smell like pungent mold and rotten fish overtakes you.[paragraph break]You begin to vomit violently all over the inside of your helmet.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth begins to vomit violently all over you.[paragraph break]The viscous goo burns through your space suit and your flesh.[paragraph break]You are being digested![paragraph break]You faint, and are swiftly consumed by the hungry Q'udzlth."; end the story. [SMELL MONSTER PARTS] Instead of smelling a thing: if the noun is part of the Q'udzlth: try smelling the Q'udzlth instead. [SMELL SELF] Instead of smelling the player: say "You're a little musty." [SMELL ISLAND] Instead of smelling the island: say "It smells like Q'udzlth." [SMELL OCEAN] Instead of smelling the ocean: say "It smells like salt and dead fish." [SMELL PLANET] Instead of smelling the planet: try smelling the island instead. [SMELL SKY] Instead of smelling the sky: say "You're being weird again." [SMELL SUNS] Instead of smelling the suns: say "They're too far away." [SMELL UNIFORM] Instead of smelling the uniform: try smelling the player instead. [SMELL HELMET] Instead of smelling the helmet: try smelling the player instead. [SMELL SHIELD] Instead of smelling the shield: try smelling the player instead. [TOUCHING] Understand "touch [thing]" or "feel [thing]" as touching. Instead of touching a thing: if touching the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if touching the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [TOUCH MONSTER] Instead of touching the Q'udzlth: say "You reach out and touch the hulking mass of pulsating flesh..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It feels cold and rubbery and gelatinous and slippery.[paragraph break]Then it feels wet and warm and slimy and burning.[paragraph break]Then it feels dark and warm and cramped and toothy.[paragraph break]You have been digested and eaten by the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [TOUCH TENTACLES] Instead of touching the tentacles: try touching the Q'udzlth instead. [TOUCH EXOSKELETON] Instead of touching the exoskeleton: try touching the Q'udzlth instead. [TOUCH EYES] Instead of touching the eyes: say "You reach out and touch the beast's eyes..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The monster blinks, then shudders.[paragraph break]Then it disembowels and eats you."; end the story. [TOUCH SKULL] Instead of touching the skull: try touching the Q'udzlth instead. [TOUCH HORNS] Instead of touching the horns: say "You reach out your hands and touch the monster's horns..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The horns reach out and touch you.[paragraph break]Over and over and over until you are a soggy mound of gore littering the beach.[paragraph break]Then you are digested and consumed by the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [TOUCH SNOUT] Instead of touching the snout: try touching the Q'udzlth instead. [TOUCH TEETH] Instead of touching the teeth: say "You reach inside the beast's snout and touch its teeth..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The teeth are sharp and jagged.[paragraph break]They seem quite capable of chewing you to pulp.[paragraph break]They do precisely that."; end the story. [TOUCH TONGUE] Instead of touching the tongue: try touching the Q'udzlth instead. [TOUCH MUCUS] Instead of touching the mucus: say "You reach up and touch the mucus dripping from the creature's gaping orifice..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The mucus is thick and viscous and acidic.[paragraph break]It seems quite capable of melting your flesh to paste.[paragraph break]This is exactly what it does."; end the story. [TOUCH BODY] Instead of touching the body: try touching the Q'udzlth instead. [TOUCH GELATIN] Instead of touching the gelatin: try touching the Q'udzlth instead. [TOUCH SELF] Instead of touching the player: say "I don't want anybody else..." [TOUCH ISLAND] Instead of touching the island: say "The island feels grainy... like sand." [TOUCH OCEAN] Instead of touching the ocean: say "The ocean feels wet... like water." [TOUCH PLANET] Instead of touching the planet: try touching the island instead. [TOUCH SKY] Instead of touching the sky: say "I believe I can fly!" [TOUCH SUNS] Instead of touching the suns: say "Even if you could do that (which you can't), then you definitely shouldn't." [TOUCH UNIFORM] Instead of touching the uniform: say "The uniform feels like a cross between a mattress and a dryer hose." [TOUCH HELMET] Instead of touching the helmet: say "The helmet feels like a bowling ball with some lumps on it." [TOUCH SHIELD] Instead of touching the shield: say "The visor is smooth and glassy, like... glass." [LOOKING IN] Looking in is an action applying to one thing. Understand "look in [thing]" or "examine in [thing]" or "x in [thing]" as looking in. Instead of looking in a thing: if looking in the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if looking in the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [LOOK IN MONSTER] Instead of looking in the Q'udzlth: say "You peer deeply into the beast's open funnel-like orifice..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You see an excess of thick translucent goo; it is dissolving your suit and your body.[paragraph break]You see a long noodley tongue covered in spines; it is coiling around you and dragging you into the orifice.[paragraph break]You see rows and rows of sharp yellow fangs; they are gnashing you to paste.[paragraph break]You see darkness; it is consuming you.[paragraph break]You see nothing anymore."; end the story. [LOOK IN SNOUT] Instead of looking in the snout: try looking in the Q'udzlth instead. [LOOK IN SELF] Instead of looking in the player: try entering the player instead. [LOOK IN ISLAND] Instead of looking in the island: say "You can't move enough sand to do that." [LOOK IN OCEAN] Instead of looking in the ocean: say "All you can see is water down there." [LOOK IN PLANET] Instead of looking in the planet: try looking in the island instead. [LOOK IN SKY] Instead of looking in the sky: say "There are a couple of suns up there, but not much else." [LOOK IN HELMET] Instead of looking in the helmet: try looking in the uniform instead. [LOOK IN UNIFORM] Instead of looking in the uniform: say "YOU are in there!" [LOOK IN SHIELD] Instead of looking in the shield: say "Other than a bit of glare, you don't see anything." [LOOKING UNDER] Understand "look under [thing]" or "examine under [thing]" or "x under [thing]" or "look below [thing]" or "examine below [thing]" or "x below [thing]" as looking under. Instead of looking under a thing: if looking under the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if looking under the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [LOOK UNDER MONSTER] Instead of looking under the Q'udzlth: say "You lift up a tentacle and try to peer beneath the creature..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Shortly you find it is you that is under the Q'udzlth.[paragraph break]Slimy tentacles envelop you totally, countless suckers attaching themselves to your space suit and ripping it to shreds.[paragraph break]As the cold gelatinous mass of the monster bears down on you, you are reminded of your high-gravity simulation training.[paragraph break]But no, this is so much more.[paragraph break]So soft, yet so heavy.[paragraph break]Fortunately you lose consciousness before you are ultimately crushed to death."; end the story. [LOOK UNDER TENTACLES] Instead of looking under the tentacles: try looking under the Q'udzlth instead. [LOOK UNDER SELF] Instead of looking under the player: say "You see only your shadow on the sand." [LOOK UNDER ISLAND] Instead of looking under the island: try looking in the island instead. [LOOK UNDER OCEAN] Instead of looking under the ocean: try looking in the ocean instead. [LOOK UNDER PLANET] Instead of looking under the planet: say "If you could do that (which you can't), you'd see space." [LOOK UNDER SKY] Instead of looking under the sky: say "Under the sky you see an island in the middle of an ocean. You're on the island and so is a Q'udzlth." [LOOK UNDER SUNS] Instead of looking under the suns: say "Under the suns you see some sky." [LOOK UNDER UNIFORM] Instead of looking under the uniform: say "YOU are under there!" [LOOK UNDER HELMET] Instead of looking under the helmet: try looking under the uniform instead. [LOOK UNDER SHIELD] Instead of looking under the shield: try looking under the uniform instead. [LOOKING BEHIND] Looking behind is an action applying to one thing. Understand "look behind [thing]" as looking behind. Instead of looking behind a thing: if looking behind the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if looking behind the player: continue the action; if looking behind the ocean: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [LOOK BEHIND MONSTER] Instead of looking behind the Q'udzlth: say "You try to get a peek behind the monster's back..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]Oh, look... There are tentacles on this side, too![paragraph break]They snatch you up strangle you until you are dead."; end the story. [LOOK BEHIND TEETH] Instead of looking behind the teeth: say "You stick your head into the creature's gaping orifice in order to get a better peek behind its rows and rows of teeth..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The Q'udzlth offers you some help.[paragraph break]It sure is dark in there![paragraph break]Oh my, you should have really seen this coming...[paragraph break]You have been eaten by the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [LOOK BEHIND SELF] Instead of looking behind the player: say "You turn to look behind you..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]While your back is turned, monstrous tentacles coil around you and snatch you off the ground.[paragraph break]You are quickly devoured by the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [LOOK BEHIND ISLAND] Instead of looking behind the island: say "All you can see back there is ocean." [LOOK BEHIND OCEAN] Instead of looking behind the ocean: say "Just more ocean." [LOOK BEHIND PLANET] Instead of looking behind the planet: say "What does that even mean?" [LOOK BEHIND SKY] Instead of looking behind the sky: say "If you could look behind the sky (which you can't), you'd see space." [LOOK BEHIND SUNS] Instead of looking behind suns: say "Are you expecting something esoteric? There's space up there, but you can't see it." [LOOK BEHIND SHIELD] Instead of looking behind the shield: say "You try to catch a glimpse of your own reflection in your helmet's face shield, but no dice." [SEARCH MONSTER] Instead of searching the Q'udzlth: say "You frisk the monster, searching for anything that might be of use..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]What you find is only of use to the Q'udzlth.[paragraph break]When the Q'udzlth searches you, however, its tentacles find much of use to it.[paragraph break]The creature breaks off both of your arms and uses them to beat you about the head until you are unconscious.[paragraph break]Then it disassembles you and digests you piece by piece.[paragraph break]Your nutrients were very useful to the Q'udzlth."; end the story. [SEARCH TENTACLES] Instead of searching the tentacles: try searching the Q'udzlth instead. [SEARCH EXOSKELETON] Instead of searching the exoskeleton: try searching the Q'udzlth instead. [SEARCH EYES] Instead of searching the eyes: say "You stare intently into the creature's eyes, searching for signs of intelligence..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]The majestic creature stare back at you knowingly.[paragraph break]Then it tears you to pieces, disembowels you, and eats the mangled parts.[paragraph break]Who's intelligent now?!"; end the story. [SEARCH SKULL] Instead of searching the skull: try searching the Q'udzlth instead. [SEARCH HORNS] Instead of searching the horns: try searching the Q'udzlth instead. [SEARCH SNOUT] Instead of searching the snout: say "You search the creature's snout to see what's in there..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You find acidic saliva, which dissolves your flesh.[paragraph break]You find a tongue that pulls the melting flesh into the creature's orifice.[paragraph break]You find endless rows of teeth that mash you paste.[paragraph break]Gee! You found all sorts of neat stuff in there!"; end the story. [SEARCH TEETH] Instead of searching the teeth: say "You search the rows and rows of jagged yellow fangs to see what you can find..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You find some bits of undigested meat and bones, but mostly you find more teeth.[paragraph break]The teeth find you as well.[paragraph break]They find your suit, your skin, your muscle, your bone.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth finds you tasty!"; end the story. [SEARCH TONGUE] Instead of searching the tongue: say "You search the creature's strange noodle-like tongue for any clues..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You find it has spines all over it.[paragraph break]The spines snag on you space suit.[paragraph break]The monster retracts its tongue into its open maw - and you along with it![paragraph break]You think you understand the tongue a little better now.[paragraph break]The Q'udzlth understands you as supper!"; end the story. [SEARCH MUCUS] Instead of searching the mucus: say "You pry around in the mucus to see what you can find..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You find your hands are burning (well, maybe not so much 'burning' as 'melting').[paragraph break]You find the Q'udzlth is licking your dissolving flesh.[paragraph break]You find your life will soon be over."; end the story. [SEARCH BODY] Instead of searching the body: try searching the Q'udzlth instead. [SEARCH GELATIN] Instead of searching the gelatin: try searching the Q'udzlth instead. [SEARCH SELF] Instead of searching the player: try taking inventory instead. [SEARCH UNIFORM] Instead of searching the uniform: say "You can't find anything in your uniform except yourself." [SEARCH HELMET] Instead of searching the helmet: say "You can't find anything in your helmet except yourself." [SEARCH SHIELD] Instead of searching the shield: say "You can't find anything in the shield except yourself." [SEARCH ISLAND] Instead of searching the island: say "All you can find is sand, the Q'udzlth, and yourself." [SEARCH OCEAN] Instead of searching the ocean: say "All you can find is water." [SEARCH PLANET] Instead of searching the planet: say "All you can find is an ocean and an island." [SEARCH SKY] Instead of searching the sky: say "All you can find is the suns overhead." [SEARCH SUNS] Instead of searching the suns: say "The suns are too far away to search." Section 4(i) - Cognition [DREAMING] Dreaming is an action applying to nothing. Understand "dream" as dreaming. Instead of dreaming: say "You can't stop thinking about the Q'udzlth." [FORGETTING] Forgetting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "forget [thing]" as forgetting. Instead of forgetting a thing: if forgetting the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if forgetting the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [FORGET MONSTER] Instead of forgetting the Q'udzlth: say "That isn't likely." [FORGET PARTS OF THE MONSTER] Instead of forgetting a thing: if the noun is part of the Q'udzlth: say "That isn't likely." [FORGET SELF] Instead of forgetting the player: say "It happens all the time." [FORGET ISLAND] Instead of forgetting the island: say "You have trouble forgetting the island, as you happen to be standing on it." [FORGET OCEAN] Instead of forgetting the ocean: say "You have trouble forgetting the ocean, as it is everywhere you turn." [FORGET PLANET] Instead of forgetting the planet: say "You have trouble forgetting the planet, as you happen to be standing on it." [FORGET SKY] Instead of forgetting the sky: say "You have trouble forgetting the sky, as it is everywhere above you." [FORGET SUNS] Instead of forgetting the suns: say "You have trouble forgetting the suns, as their heat bears down on you constantly." [FORGET UNIFORM] Instead of forgetting the uniform: say "You have trouble forgetting your uniform, as you are currently wearing it all over your body." [FORGET HELMET] Instead of forgetting the helmet: say "You have trouble forgetting your helmet, as you are currently wearing it on your head." [FORGET SHIELD] Instead of forgetting the shield: say "You already have." [THINKING] Understand "think" as thinking. Instead of thinking: say "Good idea!" [THINKING ABOUT] Thinking about is an action applying to one topic. Understand "think about [text]" or "think of [text]" as thinking about. Carry out thinking about: say "Nope. Nothing's coming to you." Instead of thinking about a topic listed in the Table of Thinky: say "[response entry][paragraph break]". Table of Thinky Topic Response "me/I/you/myself/yourself/recruit/self" "You do that enough already." "q'udzlth/qudzlth/monster/beast/creature/kraken/squid/octopus/mass" or "sea monster" or "sea beast" "Maybe it's thinking about you, too?" "island/planet/desert/sand" "You wish you'd never seen this place." "ocean/sea/water/waters" "There sure is a lot of it." "home/puscaat" "Puscaat is so far away..." "tentacle/tentacles" "They look pretty powerful." "uniform/helmet/spacesuit" or "space suit" "Why does it have to be lavender?" "sky" "It sure is up there." "suns/sun" "Why are there two of them?" "shield/visor" or "face shield" "You wonder how they get it so curved without breaking it..." "exoskeleton/chitin" "It looks like a shell, but it's rubbery." "eyes" "You think they're looking at you." "skull/head/face" "It's huge!" "horns/horn/scimitars/scimitar" "You wouldn't like to be on the wrong end of those!" "snout/bugle/funnel/bell/orifice/nose/mouth" "It's rather ridiculous looking for such a monstrous creature." "teeth/tooth/fang/fangs" "You don't like thinking about those too much." "tongue/noodle/spines/spine/barb/barbs" "It has a tongue like a big noodle with barbs on it!" "mucus/goo/slime/saliva/acid" "Surely it serves some digestive purpose." "body" "A wide, armored trunk between the skull and tentacles." "gelatin/jelly" "It's jiggly!" [REMEMBERING] Remembering is an action applying to one topic. Understand "remember [text]" as remembering. Carry out remembering: say "You're drawing a blank on that one." Instead of remembering a topic listed in the Table of Remembery: say "[response entry][paragraph break]". Table of Remembery Topic Response "me/I/you/myself/yourself/recruit/self" "You'd best to do that." "q'udzlth/qudzlth/monster/beast/creature/kraken/squid/octopus/mass" or "sea monster" or "sea beast" "It's hard to forget." "island/planet/desert/sand" "It seems so recent..." "ocean/sea/water/waters" "You're glad you're out of it." "home/puscaat" "You hope to see the mega-city lights again one day..." "tentacle/tentacles" "Oh, yes. Those." "uniform/helmet/spacesuit" or "space suit" "Did you forget it?" "sky" "Oh yeah... it's still there!" "suns/sun" "Right! There are two of them!" "shield/visor" or "face shield" "You sure are lucky you have this thing protecting your face!" "exoskeleton/chitin" "Ah yes, the whole thing is armored." "eyes" "They're still staring at you." "skull/head/face" "That thing sure has a big head..." "horns/horn/scimitars/scimitar" "You'd rather not." "snout/bugle/funnel/bell/orifice/nose/mouth" "Heh heh, it's goofy looking." "teeth/tooth/fang/fangs" "How are there so many of them?!" "tongue/noodle/spines/spine/barb/barbs" "Noodle." "mucus/goo/slime/saliva/acid" "Gross!" "body" "The least memorable part of the creature, really." "gelatin/jelly" "You recall it as 'jiggly.'" Section 4(j) - MISCELLANEOUS [DYING] Dying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "die" as dying. Instead of dying: say "Oh, just you wait." [SLEEPING] Understand "sleep" or "rest" or "nap" or "lie" or "lie down" as sleeping. Instead of sleeping: say "You decide to sleep on the beach near the Q'udzlth..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]You never wake up."; end the story. [PRAYING] Praying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "pray" as praying. Instead of praying: say "That won't help you now!" [PRAYING TO] Praying to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pray to [thing]" or "worship [thing]" as praying to. Instead of praying to a thing: if praying to the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if praying to the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [PRAY TO MONSTER] Instead of praying to the Q'udzlth: say "You kneel in worship before the mighty Q'udzlth..."; wait for any key; say "[line break]It squints at you quizzically.[paragraph break]Then it eats you."; end the story. [PRAY TO SELF] Instead of praying to the player: say "This is a whole new extreme of vanity, even for you." [PRAY TO ISLAND] Instead of praying to the island: say "The island says nothing. Typical." [PRAY TO OCEAN] Instead of praying to the ocean: say "Probably not the weirdest prayer you've said..." [PRAY TO PLANET] Instead of praying to the planet: say "Don't be silly! Your people gave up the Old Ways centuries ago!" [PRAY TO SKY] Instead of praying to the sky: say "Here we go again..." [PRAY TO SUNS] Instead of praying to the suns: say "This might fly on some of the moons of your home world, but YOU are CIVILIZED." [PRAY TO UNIFORM] Instead of praying to the uniform: say "You're being weird again." [PRAY TO HELMET] Instead of praying to the helmet: try praying to the uniform instead. [PRAY TO SHIELD] Instead of praying to the shield: try praying to the uniform instead. [UNDRESSING] Undressing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "undress" as undressing. Instead of undressing: say "It's probably wise to leave your space suit on. Who knows what dangers may be posed by this foreign environment?" [STALKING] Stalking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "stalk [thing]" as stalking. Instead of stalking a thing: if stalking the Q'udzlth: continue the action; if stalking the player: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [STALK MONSTER] Instead of stalking the Q'udzlth: say "That's easy enough - it's not going anywhere, you're not going anywhere...". [STALK SELF] Instead of stalking the player: say "You follow yourself everywhere you go." [STALK ISLAND] Instead of stalking the island: say "You stride around trying to look menacing, but you doubt the Q'udzlth is buying it." [DIGGING] Digging is an action applying to nothing. Understand "dig" as digging. Instead of digging: say "Crazy, Daddy-O!" [DIGGING UP] Digging up is an action applying to one thing. Understand "dig up [thing]" or "dig [thing]" as digging up. Instead of digging up a thing: if digging up the island: continue the action; otherwise: say "That's not gonna work!"; stop the action. [SURRENDERING] Surrendering is an action applying to nothing. Understand "surrender" as surrendering. Instead of surrendering: try entering the Q'udzlth instead. [DIG UP ISLAND] Instead of digging up the island: say "You root around in the sand for awhile, but you don't accomplish much." [WAITING] Waitcount is a number that varies. Waitcount is 2. Every turn: if waiting: if waitcount > 0: now waitcount is waitcount - 1; otherwise: say "The Q'udzlth is done waiting![paragraph break]It eviscerates you and eats your remains."; end the story; otherwise: now waitcount is 2. [DROP ALL BUG WORKAROUND] Definition: a thing is other if it is not the player. Rule for deciding whether all includes other people carried by the person asked while dropping or throwing or inserting or putting (this is the new exclude people from drop all rule): it does. The new exclude people from drop all rule is listed instead of the exclude people from drop all rule in the for deciding whether all includes rulebook. Definition: a person is empty rather than non-empty if they carry nothing. Rule for deciding whether all includes the person asked while dropping: if the person asked is empty: it does. A multiple action processing rule when dropping: if the player is empty: alter the multiple object list to {}; otherwise: let L be the multiple object list; if the player is listed in L: remove player from L; alter the multiple object list to L; if the multiple object list is empty: say "[We] don't have anything to drop." Section 4(k) - Mistakes [MISTAKES] Understand "Aisle" or "examine aisle" or "x aisle" as a mistake ("No, ISLE."). Understand "hell" as a mistake ("You'll get there soon enough."). Understand "ass" or "arse" or "dumbass" or "asshole" or "bastard" or "bitch" or "fucker" or "motherfucker" or "cocksucker" or "cunt" or "dick" or "prick" or "slut" or "whore" or "twat" or "son of a bitch" as a mistake ("I know you are, but what am I?"). Understand "cum" or "jizz" or "orgasm" or "skeet" as a mistake ("Not here."). Understand "bollocks" or "bullshit" as a mistake ("Probably."). Understand "damn" or "drat" or "darn" as a mistake ("Phooey!"). Understand "fart" as a mistake ("The Q'udzlth grimaces."). Understand "sneeze" or "achoo" as a mistake ("Bless you!"). Understand "curse" or "swear" as a mistake ("You'll have to be more specific than that."). Understand "take pasta" or "take gnocchi" or "get pasta" or "get gnocchi" as a mistake ("You're on the wrong 'ISLE' for that."). Understand "fuck" as a mistake ("Fhtagn!"). Understand "molest" as a mistake ("No!"). Understand "screw" as a mistake ("You don't have a screwdriver. You're not a Doctor."). Understand "yes" as a mistake ("No."). Understand "no" as a mistake ("Yes."). Understand "xyzzy" or "plugh" or "plover" as a mistake ("Nothing happens."). Understand "win" as a mistake ("Probably not."). Understand "lose" as a mistake ("Probably."). Understand "fly" as a mistake ("You flap your arms furiously, but nothing happens."). Understand "dive" as a mistake ("The water is too shallow here."). Understand "swing" as a mistake ("Crazy, Daddy-O!"). Understand "hello" as a mistake ("Hiiiiiii!"). Understand "swim" or "enter ocean" as a mistake ("There's nowhere to swim to, just endless ocean as far as the eye can see."). Understand "surround monster" or "surround qudzlth" or "surround q'udzlth" or "surround beast" or "surround sea monster" or "surround sea beast" as a mistake ("The opposite seems much more likely."). Understand "kneel" or "take a knee" or "take the knee" as a mistake ("Rudy Giuliani grimaces."). Understand "roll" or "roll around" as a mistake ("You roll around on the beach for a while. You accomplish nothing apart from getting sand all over your space suit."). Understand "crouch" or "squat" as a mistake ("You squat down for a moment, but your knees hurt so you stand up again."). Understand "levitate" as a mistake ("As hard as you try, you never manage to pull this off.").