Hinterlands: Marooned! — 10 of 23

Cody Gaisser

Release 1

Part II - Marooned!

Chapter 1 - Unknown Planet

Section 1 - The Isle

Unknown is a region. The Isle is in Unknown.

The Isle is a room.

The description of The Isle is "A tiny desert island in a vast teal ocean on a nondescript little planet you've never heard of."

The island is scenery in The Isle.

Understand "isle" or "sand" or "desert" or "beach" or "floor" as the island.

The description of the island is "A minuscule patch of sand in the middle of an endless ocean."

The ocean is scenery in The Isle.

Understand "sea" or "water" or "waters" as the ocean.

The description of the ocean is "Blue-green waters forever..."

The planet is scenery in The Isle.

The description of the planet is "An unknown planet in a nothing star system."

The sky is scenery in The Isle.

The description of the sky is "Clear blue sky. The suns are up."

The suns are scenery in The Isle.

The description of the suns is "A pair of suns are visible in the sky."

Understand "sun" or "star" or "stars" as the suns.